Chapter 22: Time For A Change

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Warmth is radiating all over my body. My side of the bed is warmer than usual. I slowly open my eyes and find a face too close to mine. I quickly pull my face away. My eyes examine the face, it's Tyler.

He looks to be in a deep comfortable sleep. I never really have examine his face. He is really handsome, I'll give him that. With a strong jaw and pointed nose. He lips look full but not much. He has high cheekbones. I look at his eyes and notice his long, thick, curly black eyelashes. He seems to have curly dark brown hair. Stubble of hair is visible along his jaw line. Guess someone needs to shave but somehow he manages to look more handsome.

I start to feel weird out because I am just staring at him. I look away and try to get out of bed. One of Tyler's arms is lazily wrap around my waist. I grab his arm to get it off my waist. Once I finally get out of bed I unplug my phone and the home screen is full of messages. Most of them have two words, Happy Birthday! Today I am officially 16. Now I can legally work and I can get my license.

I go into the bathroom to take a shower. After I am done I put a rope on and walk outside. Tyler still is asleep in the exact same position. I walk into the closet and start to look through it. I have no idea what I will wear. I am turning 16 today so I am going to change everything about me. I am going to wear a strapless white crop top with a peach color skate skirt. Since I am going to school I'm going to wear white vans.

My phone starts to ring when I step out of the closet. I look at the caller ID, it's my mom. I haven't talked to my mom since my dad died. Last time I saw her she looked depress. What did I not expect to see her liked that? She lost the person she had spend most of her life with. The father of her children. The man she loved and gave anything for her and his family. I let the phone ring a couple more seconds then I answer, "Hello."

"Happy birthday, Emma," She answers immediately. Her voice sounding very excited.

I smile to my self,  "Thank you mom."

"Well I just called to wish you a good day," she says. She stays silent for some seconds, "Well I have to go now bye, sweetie." With that she hung up. I guess she is in a hurry. I didn't even get to say bye

"You're up early," Tyler says rubbing his eyes. His hair is all mest up and I can't help but giggle. He looks confuse, "What's so funny?"

I laugh and walk tour the bathroom to change into the my clothes. While I'm in there I do my makeup and brush my teeth. When I come out Tyler looks me up and down. Tyler smirks but surprisingly he doesn't say anything. His already fully dress. He looks expensive with his polo shirt, jeans, and shoes.

I go downstairs to get something to eat. I grab a strawberry poptards  off the shelve. I hear some honors outside so I look through the window. Hayli is outside waiting for me. I quickly grab my school bag and my poptards, can't forget those.

Poptards have to be the best thing in the world. They are so good. I've eating these since I was a child. My dad used to give them to me in the morning when we were running late. They bring back so many memories.

"Oh, you look hot!" Hayli jokes as I get in the car. Ashlee and I both start to laugh.

"Happy Birthday," They both yell out in unison.

I smile, "Thanks, I have a question?" Ashlee looks at me. Since nobody is answering I just continue, "Would you two mind ditching the first two or three periods?"

They look at me strangely, "Why? What are we going to do?" Hayli asks.

"I'm going to cut my hair," I tell them. I've been debating this since I got married to Tyler.

"Your hair? You love your hair," Ashlee reminds me. I do love my hair just the way it is but I think my hair has lived so many things. My hair can probably tell a whole story, it has lived through so much. My hair has gone through different stages in life with me. Right now I'm in another stage and it deserves to start over.

"Yeah, but I think it's time for a change," I reply.

Hayli and Ashlee look at each other. I hear Hayli sigh, "Sure will go with you, where do you want to go?"

I huge smile appears on my lips, "Do you remember the place we went to get ready the day of the wedding?" Hayli nods, "Right there."Hayli begins to drive to the place. The ride was full of laughter, singing, and a lot of talking.

"Do you have an appointment?" a lady in the front desk asks quite rudely. She is one of your typical blondes. Super pale with blue eyes. She doesn't look much older than me. She was flirting with a guy when we came in. I must've interrupted her, oopsies.

"Yeah," I answer.

She looks me up and down,"Well what's the name."

"Emma Evans," I simply answer. I look back at Ashlee and Hayli. Hayli mouths the word 'bitch' to me. I can't help but crack a smile.

"You can ju-" She gets cut off by an older lady. She is the lady that helped us when we were going to get ready for the wedding.

"Your Emma, right? Diana's daughter-in-law," I nod, "Your here for your appointment, I would be back in a couple of minutes with Cole."

She leaves the room and the blonde looks surprise, "Your married?" I give a small nod, "There is no way your married." She is giving me such a dirty looks. This bitch is starting to get on my nerves, "Prove it, who is your so called husband."

I just wanted to shut her up already. She looks at me like I am trash. I pulled out my phone and started looking for a photo of Tyler. I then realize I didn't have any.


I was about to turn my phone off when I got a text from Hayli. I opened it and it was a picture of Tyler. The picture was when we were playing truth or dare. The best part of the picture was he was shirt less.

I clicked on the photo and showed it to the blonde, "Here! That my husband, Tyler." She looked at the photo and rolled her plain blue eyes. I'm glad Tyler is my husband for a second. I can use him to shut up stupid bitches who think I have an ugly ass husband.

Before she can say anything the lady comes back and look at my phone, "Oh, that's Tyler, right? Showing his off, I see," and the lady just proved I wasn't lieing. Now I feel weird though because I was actually showing off Tyler.

"Hey, Emma are you ready?" Cole asks me. I nod and he leads to a chair, "So what do you want to do to your hair today?"

I look myself in the mirror. Its now or never, "I want to cut it," he looks at me so I continue, "Up to my shoulders."

He looks surprise, "Wow that's a lot of hair but okay." He grabs my hair and a pair of scissors. He starts to cut my hair, soon my hair is up to my shoulders. Cole smiles at his work, "Well we are all done," he help me out of the chair, "You look hot," He jokes.

I smile at him, "Thanks." I go pay and when Ashlee and Hayli see me they look surprise.

"I didn't think you were going to cut off that much," Ashlee says while touching my hair.

"Well I did," I tell them, "Can we go before we miss more periods?"

Hayli nods, "Yup, Alex called and said teachers were asking for us." If those teachers catch us we are going to be in deep shit.

We leave the hair salon and head to school. Everything is going good on my birthday, at least so far.


Sorry for the late update. I've had a writer's block all week. I had no idea how to put this chapter in words. Please vote and comment.

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