Chapter 11: Getting Ready

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Today I'm only going to school for half a day. Since tomorrow is the wedding we need to have all last minutes details done. I have a feeling that today is going to be a very stressful day.

I get up and decide to take a shower. I strip down and get into the shower. I let the warm water run through my body. About half an hour later I get out and go to my closet to find something to wear. I settle for a black dress. I also put on some black vans. I never liked wearing heals, my vans and covers make me feel more safe.

I go downstairs and to my luck I see Tyler standing in the living room. And guess what?! James is also there. Don't I just have the best luck ever, note the sarcasm. I smile, "Good morning James," I say and then I look at Tyler, "Tyler."

I guess Tyler didn't get the message to not touch me, "Good morning babe," he says smiling. He hugs me and gives me a kiss in the cheek.

I give him a fake smile, "So what are you doing here?," I ask Tyler.

"I came to pick you up for school," he looks at his watch, "now come on we are going to be late."

I nod and go upstairs to grab my school bag. I go back downstairs and say goodbye to everyone. I follow Tyler out and get in his car. He turns the car on and we leave my house. The ride starts out very silence. I can't stand silence it always bothered me.

"So why did you pick me up?" I ask, breaking the silence.

He looks at me and smirks, "Because my mom told me to." He looks back at the road. A couple minutes later he speaks up again, "Oh by the way we are going to be leaving around lunch, my mom also told me, to tell you, to tell Ashlee and Haylie if they can come with you."

"Okay," I simply answer. Just about then Tyler drives into school. He parks the car and everyone, and by everyone I mean the "popular kids", start to come tours us. Wow, he's been in school for about a week and he is already popular. I get out of the car and I instantly see girls giving me dirty looks. I roll my eyes and start to walk away.

I hear Tyler yell in the distant, "I will see you at lunch."

I am about to enter the school when someone grabs my arm from the elbow. I turn to see a smiling Jacob. I often see Jacob around and he just gives me a smile, but we never really talked. He is very cute.

"Emma, right?" he says. I nod responding to his question. "I was wondering if you were free tomorrow?"

He is asking me on a date,I think, too bad I can't because tomorrow is my stupid wedding.

There is no way on earth I am letting this opportunity pass, you never know when he may ask me again. I know this against the rules but no one is going to tell my parents, right. Tyler already broke the rules, so why can't I. "Well, um, I can't tomorrow," I tell him. He gives me a disappoint goes all over his face. "But I am free next Saturday, would that work for you?" I ask him.

I big smile appears on his face, "Yeah, that sounds great." He then gives me his phone number and I give him mine. We say goodbye and he leaves. I walk into school with a big smile on my face. I walk to my locker and soon Ashlee and Hayli join me.

"Why are you so happy today?" Hayli asks curiously.

My smile become wider as I remember what happen this morning. Ashlee and Hayli both look at me strangely. "Jacob asked me on a date," I blurt out.

They look at me like I am out off my mind. "Really? Aren't you getting married tomorrow?" Ashlee asks in disbelief.

Ugh, they had to remind me of the wedding. Thanks for ruining my happiness, I think. The thought makes me frown.

They start to giggle, "So how did being in love with Tyler go," a smirking Ashlee asks me.

"It was a nightmare," I say.

"Oh come on it couldn't be that bad," Hayli says.

"What did he do?" Ashlee asks.

"He kissed me," I say. They immediately start to laugh. Just then I remember something. "Oh before I forget, Diana asked if you could come with us?"

"What time?" Ashlee asks.

"Like around lunch time," I tell her. They both nod and just then the bell rings. Hayli and I have math together so we say goodbye to Ashlee and we leave to our class.

It finally is lunch!! I am so hungry, but the school lunches are horrible. I am going to leave pretty soon, anyways. I am sitting on a lunch table with Hayli, Alex, Trevor, and Jacob. We are all talking when something caught my eyes. It's more like someone. I look up and see him walking tours me, with no other than Ashlee.

They get to the table and he looks confuse. "Ryan what are you doing here?" I ask in shock.

"Well I transfer here," he states. He moved school, too. I thought Tyler was going to be the only one move school.

Ashlee is looking at us confuse, "Do you know each other?"

"Yeah, he's Ryan, Tyler's bother," I tell her.

"Really!" she says in disbelief, "Such a small world, huh?" she giggles a little.

Just when I about to answer the voice of the principle comes out of the speakers, "Can Tyler Evans, Ryan Evans, Emma Faye, Ashlee Williamson, and Hayli James report to the main office, thank you." We all look at each other and start to walk tour the office. Everyone in the cafeteria was looking at us. As we reach the hallway we meet up with Tyler. We walk into the office and see Diana and my mom standing there.

Diana smiles as we walk in, "Are you guys ready?" We all nod, "Great lets go!"

We all follow her out and I see a limo parked in the parking lot. Diana gets in and we all follow. A limo really! I think that is a bit too much. I don't say anything about it, though. The limo begins to move and everyone is quite for the whole ride. About 15 minutes later the limo stops moving. We climb out and see we are in front of some stores that look very expensive.

"We are going shopping for bridesmaid dresses and tuxedos for the man of honor!" she says with a bright smile. Diana is very beautiful. She is tall and skinny. She has short brown hair and dark bright blue eyes, just like Tyler.

The boys groan and the girls all giggle. Shopping isn't one of my favorite things to do, it's too overwhelming sometimes. Just because Tyler doesn't like it make me want to spent the whole day here, just to make him suffer. Diana starts to move tour a dress boutique. We all follow behind.

"Okay Ashlee and Hayli, you both are going to be bridesmaid," Diana informs them. A huge smile appear on both of their faces. "So we need to pick a dress, perferverlie purple."

We start to look around and after about an hour of looking we find the perfect dress. (Picture of dress and tuxedo) Now we need to get shoes. The boys look bored out of their minds. Luckily for them we find the shoes fast and we are soon out o f the store. We then go to a store to find Ryan, the man of honor his tuxedo. This was much easier. We leave the store in about half an hour.

"Is it so hard for girls to find everything in half an hour," Tyler says pissed, This was probably the most boring hours of his life, too bad suck it up.

We get back into the limo and it starts to drive. We drop off Ashlee and Hayli at their house. They then drop off my mom and I. We all say quick goodbye and Diana tells me to be ready at 6:30 tomorrow.

Yeah sure, I am such a morning person, not!, I think. I have never been a morning person, I am the "go the fuck away I am sleeping" kind of person.

My mom and I hed into the house. I can't belief that tomorrow I, Emma Grace Faye, am going to get marry tomorrow. My life is sure going to change after tomorrow.


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