Chapter 10: Perfect Couple?

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My mom decided it would be a good idea to have Tyler over for dinner. We are in the living room right now. What makes this horrible is that it's just Tyler, James and me. I am sitting next to Tyler, of course, and James is sitting across us. Tyler and James are talking about something, but I am just ignoring them by watching TV.

Micheal and Ella are watching TV with me, cartoons. Yeah, I'm that bored that I'm watching Tom and Jerry. This used to be one of my favorite TV shows when I was a kid. Ella is sitting on my lap and Micheal is sitting next to me. I am extremely bored right now. Ella is starting to fall asleep.

I look over at Tyler and James. "So where are you guys going to live after you get marry?," James asks Tyler.

"Well I bought a house," Tyler answer him. Well apparently Tyler bought the house. I know that is a complete lie.

James sits up, "Really?" he asks interested, "Do you work?"

"Um actually I don't, my parents helped buy the house," Tyler says to my brother. James is going to think that I am going to marry a lazy guy who has a living all due to his parents, great!

"Oh," James says, "You are a senior right?." Tyler nods at him. "Are you going to go to college after you graduate?" James asks Tyler.

I turn to Tyler to hear his answer. I do want to know what the answer is. I bet he is going to say something like, no I'm just going to live off my parents because they have a lot of money.

Tyler looks at me and instead of saying what I thought he was going to say, he smile turns back to James, and says, "Yeah, I'm going to go to law school and maybe my dad would hand me down his business."

Wow, Tyler Evans actually has a plan, that's a surprise. When James is about to answer my mom and Lisa come into the room.

My mom smiles brightly,"Dinner is ready."

James and Tyler get up. I am about to get up when I notice a sleeping Ella. Tyler smiles at me, "Here let me take her," he takes her from me and I get up. "Um, where do I put her down?" he ask.

"Emma why don't you put her in your room," My mom suggests.

I nod and start to head upstairs. I hear Tyler's footsteps behind me. I open the door for him. He gently puts her on my bed. He is about to leave my room but I stop him. "What are you doing?" he asks confuse.

"Why did you kiss me?!" I aks him angrly.

He gives a small laugh, "Don't act like you didn't like it," he says smirking.

"I'm serious, Tyler," I tell him more pissed.

He starts to laugh, "Well you asked me to act like the perfect couple that's in love," he says smirking, "and as far as I am concerned couples kiss, and you also didn't resist you kissed me right back." He gives me the "matter of fact" look.

I roll my eyes, "Well what was I suppose to do, push you away!" and I start to walk downstairs. I feel arms wrap around my waist. I look to my side and see Tyler smirking. I slap his hand and hed downstairs. I go into the kitchen and sit down in one of the stools. Tyler comes in right after me. Everyone is in the kitchen right now. I feel hands wrap around my shoulder. I didn't have to turn around to know who it was, I just push his hand away.

James looks at me and raises his eyebrow, "Is everything okay?" he says, looking at Tyler.

I am so pissed at Tyler I don't even care no more. I hear Tyler sigh behind me. My mom looks at evilie.

"Emma is mad at me," Tyler states. I look at my mom and she raises her eyebrow.

James chuckles, "Why? What did you do?"

Panick suddenly starts to forms in me and I turn around and see Tyler stareing at me. I can see in Tyler blue eyes that he is willing to tell James everything. I know that if he does my mom would probably start World War 3.

"I scared her," Tyler simply says. I looked at him with a relieved face and I turned around again.

I hear James start to laugh, I look up at him giving him the "shut up" look. Even though this did not happen I need to play along for the sake of everyone.

I feel Tyler's arms wrap around me, "I'm sorry, babe, would you forgive me?" Tyler asks me.

I never liked boys calling me "babe" it makes me feel weird. I look into his beautiful blue eyes and nod. Even though I hate Tyler I have to admit that his eyes are gorgeous. His eyes are just so blue. It isn't a bright blue, it's a dark blue that's very bright.

"Thank you," he says and starts to kiss my cheek. The last kiss ends up being a quick peck on my lips. I look at him, but he just gives me a smile.

The rest of the after noon went my smoothly, until my brother asked when the wedding is. Tyler and I both looked at each other. Neither one us has a clue a when the wedding is.

"The wedding is Saturday," my mom says, smiling.

Saturday? That's only two days away! No, why so soon! Ugh, I hate my life!

No one really said anything after that. After another hour or so, it was finally time for Tyler to go home, Yeah! Tyler says bye to everyone and I walk him out.

"Bye my bitch," he says smirking. Guess he is back, huh?

"Fuck you, go to hell" I loudly whisper to him and slam the door on his face. Feels good to go back to normal. This day was like a torture for me, but it's finally over.

Tyler and I are sure the perfect couple huh, I think.

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