Chapter 8: In Love?!

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The last couple of days have been busy for both, me and Tyler. We have to go to school and get everything ready for the wedding. So our daily routine for the last 4 days have been going to school and then going to some type of appointment. I am surprise that right now I am laying in bed, alone, relax.

"Emma, come down here!" my mom yells from downstairs. I think I spoke too soon. I groan, what does she possibly want now! I get up and make my way downstairs.

"What do you want!" I scream when I get downstairs.

"Well I just wanted to say hello to my little sister," I hear a man say behind me. A huge smile forms in my face. I know exactly who it is, James.

James is my older brother. I haven't seen him in about a year an a half. He looks a lot different from when I lost saw him. He looks more and shape and his hair is short. He has my mom's dark eyes l, which makes him look more mature. He lives in New York, across the country. He doesn't really come to visit that often because of his kids.

I hug him, "James! what are you doing here and where are Lisa and the kids," I ask him.

He hugs me back and then let's go, "Well I wasn't going to miss my sister wedding, was I?" he smiles, "and Lisa and the kids are going to be here tomorrow."

"Well I'm glad you are here," I smile and give him another quick hug.

He smiles, "What is the lucky guy's name, Emma," he asks. I thought he already knew.

I look at him, "Um, his name is Tyler, Tyler Evans," I say to him with a half smile.

"Well I need to meet Tyler, to tell him off for making my little sister fall in love," he says joking. Fall in love? Who ever said I'm in love with him, I can berly stand him! I look at my mom with a confuse face.

My mom clears her throat, "Well dinner should be ready soon," she says smiling. Why do I have a feeling that my mom told him all of that. "Emma, sweetheart, why don't you come with me?," she suggests with a nervous smile.

I nod my head, "Um, sure," and we begin to walk to the kitchen. As soon as we get there a say, "Why does James think that I am in love with Tyler?"

"Well because we told him you were," my mom simply says.

"And why would you tell him that?" I whisper loudly.

"Because he would never approve of this marriage and he wouldn't understand."

"He wouldn't understand what? That his sister is being force to marry a guy that's a jerk and doesn't even care about her!," I start to raise my voice, "That you expect us both to just live a perfect life together and don't give a shit about anything! Well if that's what he isn't going to understand, he sure won't! because no one in this fucked up world will actually understand that!" I finish off and storm out of the kitchen. I am so pissed off right now, you don't know how much!

I go up to my room and launch myself into my bed. I let all my emotion out and I cry and cry. I think I cried for about an hour. I hear someone knocking on the door.

"Who is it?" I say.

"It's mom" I hear the voice say from the other side of the door. The voice has anger in the voice.

I roll my eyes as I hear who it is. The door swings open and then closes. "We need to talk," she says seriously. I roll my eyes at her, " There is nothing we can do for you not to marry, so you would bring Tyler after school and will act like a couple that is in love, you got that! If you don't then you would be sorry!" and with that she leaves the room and slams the door.

I have always been scare of my mom. She always does the things she promises, doesn't matter if it's good or bad. I decide in my mind that I would do what she tells me to do. I thinks Tyler's definition of "being in love" is very different from my definition.

I wake up and start to get ready. I decide that I would tell Tyler in French class about James. I finish getting ready and a black dress on.

I go out the door and as I'm leaving James come up to me, "Don't forget to bring Tyler over," he says with a smile and gives me a kiss on top of my head. He is probably Tyler's size, big compare to me.

I go outside and Hayli is waiting for me. I get on the car and let out a big breath. Ashlee looks at me weirdly, "What's wrong with you?"

"Oh nothing, just that I am going to be in love today," I say putting my head into my hands.

Hayli stops at a red light and looks at me strangely," Yeah, with who?," she gives a small laugh.

"With Tyler," I scream out in horror, joking. Ashlee and Hayli burst out laughing.

"Why?" Ashlee says giggling.

"Because James is here, and he thinks Tyler and I are in love and he want to meet him today after school, so Tyler and I need to pretend to be in love," I explain to them. The rest of the ride is full of stupid comments from both of them.

The school day is a huge drag. Hayli and Ashlee both make fun of me. I spot Tyler every now and then but I don't talk to him. I am going to wait till French class.

I am sitting in class and Tyler is still not here. There is no surprise there, he is always late to class or sometimes he doesn't even bother to show up. Fifteen minutes after class have started he walks into the classroom.

The teacher glances at him and say, "I am glad you decided to joined us today, Mr. Evans."

Tyler smirks, "No problem." He starts to walk tour his seat, next to me. He sits and still has the same stupid smirk on his face. I glance over at him and notice he has some lipstick on his cheek and neck. I roll my eyes at my discovery.

After about 5 minutes I finally work up my courage to talk to him. "Hey Tyler," I whisper at him.

He looks in my direction and smirks, "Yeah, babe, how can I help you?" he asks sounding seductive.

"I need you to come over today after school," I tell him.

A big smirk forms on his face. I instantly know what he is thinking about and his words say I'm correct. "Oh, do you want to get laid tonight," he says.

"Ew, no," I say right after the words leave his mouth. "I need you to come over because my brother wants to meet you," I inform him, "So can you?"

"You have a brother?" he says surprise, "And he want to meet me?"

"Yeah," I then I look down, "There is just one small detail."


I look down, "He thinks we are in love," I say quietly, I can feel myself start to blush.

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