Chapter 20: Daddy!

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After 6 hours in the air we finally landed in L.A. We took a cab straight to the hospital where my dad was. The ride is so quiet but it's not one of those awkward silent. The ride is about 5 minutes and as soon as we get there I run into the hospital.

I go up to the front desk, "Can you tell me where James Faye is at?," I ask her.

The lady looks at the computer and then looks at me, "Sure, his in the 3rd floor room G452."

I thank her and go where she told me. I reach the floor but before I reach the room I see my mom. I start to walk up to her and that's when I see Tyler's parents.

They were all sitting down with their heads down. I immediately knew this was worse than I thought. I rush over to them, "How is dad?" I ask anxious.

My mom looks at with tears in her eyes. She shakes her head, still looking down. Tears start to stream down my face. She walks over to me, "Emma, go see your dad before it's... too late," she whispers to me.To late? Is it really that bad.

I nod and walk tour the room. I slowly open the door. I am afraid of what I would find in the other side. I walk into the room and look at my dad. The strongest and most important man I've know in my life was laying in a bed, broken. He had cuts and bruses in his face. One arm and foot were in casts. He had his eyes close.

I walk over to him and sit down next to his bed. I grab his hand, "Daddy," I sob.

I feel his hand weakly grib mine. I look up at him, giving him a weak smile. He weakly smile back, "Emma, my little girl."

One after another tears are coming. It just kills me to see him like this. "I love you," I chock out. You don't now how much I love him. No words can ever descripe it. The love of a daughter and father is one of the strongest thing.

"I love you too, Em but I need you to promise me something before I'm gone," he weakly says.

I nod my head no, "Daddy your not going to be gone," I tell him. The idea of not having him anymore hurts too much.

I see tears coming out of his eyes, "Promise you would do this, if i'm gone."

I close my eyes for a second. After a open them I manage it to say, "I promise, what would I do?"

He smile down at me, "Promise me you'll try," he simply states. Confusment comes all over my face. He looks at me and sighs, "Promise you'll try to fall in love with Tyler or atleast get along with him and try to get over me soon," he explains.

Falling in love is not an option. I could never fall in love with somebody like Tyler. What would be the point in falling for him if he would never fall for me.

I slowly nod and he smiles down at me. His eyes are still full of tears, "I'm sorry that I'm not going to be able to meet my grand children, but I'm sure you are going to be a great mom." His face suddenly has a lot of emotion, "You would always be my little girl, I love you so much." I hear a beep sound and his grip is no longer on my hand.


Nurses and doctor start running in. One of the nurses tells me I have to get out of the room. I can't leave right now. Commotion is all over the place right now.

"No! No," I yell at her.

"You have to leave, you can't be here right now," she yells back. I still protest and that's when she calls one of the male nurses. He easily gets me outside. Once he sets me outside he closes the door.

This can't be happening! He can't be gone. We still have so much left to do together. Like he said he still needs to meet my children. A piece of my heart is slowly being broken. I feel my body go numb and everything around me is slowly breaking down.

I make my way back to everyone. I look at all of them and my body suddenly can't take any thing in. It feels like everything is shutting off. I look at them again through blurry vision. Everyone looks confuse and worry.

Tyler's P.O.V.

I am sitting in the waiting area with everyone else. We are waiting for Emma to come out of her dad's room. Everyone is so quite, it's actually depressing. My mom and Emma's mom are both silently crying.

All this sadness and crying is making me uncomfortable. I get up and just as I'm about to leave nurses and doctor start to run tours one of the rooms. A minute later Emma comes out and is crying uncontrollably.

She looks at us weirdly and then her body starts to fall. I quickly run over to her and catch her before she hits the ground. Everyone rushes over to us.

A doctor sees us and runs to us. He kneels down, "What's wrong with her?"

"I have no idea she just came out and fainted," I explain to him.

The doctor calls over a stretcher. "Okay can you put her on here," he tells me.

I get a better grip on her and put her on the stretcher. I watch as they carry her away. This day has been filled with a lot of surprises. First was the phone call and now this.

I sit back down and just wait. The doctor that took Emma comes back in a couple of minutes. He comes straight to me, "Hey, are you related to the girl?," he asks me.

I stand up, "Um yeah, she's my wife," I respond.He raises an eyebrow in surprise. "Um can you tell me what's wrong with her?"

He nods, "Yeah, um, she's fine she was just in a lot of shock and stress. Her body couldn't take it any more, so it just shut down. You can go in and see her, room G503" he explains to before leaving.

I look at my parents and then at Emma's mom. She was just standing there. I scratch the back of my head, "Um, Mrs. Faye you can go in if you like."

She looks at me and shakes her head, "No you can go in first." I look at my dad and he nods with his head.

I sigh and start to walk tour her room. I open the door and walk in. She looks like she's asleep. I don't really know what to do. I stand in the room awkwardly looking at her. Even though she's asleep, she looks broken. As I keep looking at her I begging to hate myself more and more.

"I'm sorry," I whisper. I can't take it anymore and walk out of the room.


Hey people!! Here is another chapter. You don't know how sad it was to write the scene with Emma's dad. I was crying while writing it, I know I'm emotional. So please comment and vote.

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