Chapter 4: The Proposal

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I was frozen as soon as I heard those words. I knew exactly who it was, Luke. He is one part of my dark past no one even knows about this pass, not even Hayli. I have kept it all a secret for the last year and i really wish it would stay a secret.

Ashlee and Hayli both notice because they pause the movie. I quickly hang up the phone, "Who was that," Hayli asks.

"Um it was my mom," I say nervously, "I need to go home." I quickly get up and head out the door. I don't stop even though they both are calling my name out. I get outside and start to walk home. I am terrified right now. I start to walk a little faster, I look at my phone and see it is 5:30. The sun is still very bright, but it would soon be darkening.

I reach my house in about 10 minutes. I see a car I have never seen before park outside my car. I look at it and see it looks very new and it also is a Mercedes. I sure don't need any other surprise. I've had enough to last a lifetime. I go inside and see that Ryan, Tyler younger brother, is sitting down on the couch. What is he doing here? He stands up a soon as he sees me walk in.

"Hi Emma," he says smiling, showing a perfect line of teeth.

"Hey Ryan," I say back, returning the smile.

My mom comes out of the kitchen and seems surprise when she saw me in the living room with Ryan. "Oh Emma your back, I didn't hear you come in," she says.

"I just got here."

"Well Ryan is here to pick you up," my mom says. He is here to pick me up, where is he goin to take me? "So go with him, his been waiting for quite a while," my mom finish off and leaves.

I turn back at Ryan, "Where are we going?"  I ask him.

He scratches the back of his neck, "You'll see, come on," he says gesturing tours the door. I start to walk tours the door and he follows me. He opens the door of the car and I get in. I have no idea where we are going, but I trust him more then his brother. He walks to the other side of the door and gets in as well. He turns the car on and get out of the drive way he begins to drives. The car is awfully quite, he looks at me, "My brother can be a pain in the ass sometimes," he says with a smile.

His comment makes a small laugh escape my lips, "Your telling me," I respond to him, "His more like an asshole and a dick."

He starts to laugh, "Yeah he is all that," he begin," But he does eventually come around, I mean you don't know how many times we have fought, but really he does come around." Wow, the way he is describing him make him look like he is a very comprehensive guy. Maybe he is I just need to get to know him.

The rest of the drive is quite. As he keeps driving I notice we are around the beach. I am very confuse right now. I look at him and he looks back at me. He gives me a small smile and then he stop the car. "What are we doing in the beach?" I ask very confuse. He doesn't tell me anything he just turns off the car and gets out. He walks to the other side and opens the door.

"Just keep walking straight and then stop when you see someone standing next to some beach stuff," he says giving pointing tours the beach. I nod and begin to walk.

I keep walk for about a minute and start to wonder if he is playing a trick on me. I look at the ocean and see the sun is starting to go down. I walk about another 50 feet and start to see someone standing  in the middle of the beach. I am still too far away to see his face. I keep walking and see that it's Tyler. He is standing there and see that he is holding some flowers in his hands. I go up to him and he gives me a smile,reviling his deep dimples. I think if he was a sweet guy I would totally fall for him just by her smile.

Tyler's P.O.V.

I am standing in the middle of the beach right now, waiting for Emma. My parents wanted me to make her feel like she actually was going to get marry. My mom told me that every girl dream of a perfect wedding and I was going to make that happen for her. Emma is really hot and I actually don't mind having her as a wife, but I did want to enjoy life a little longer after settling down and having kids.

My thoughts are interrupted by a girl walking tours me. I am thinking it's probably Emma. I had, more like my mom had, Ryan go pick Emma up and drop her off in the beach. Emma comes closer to me and I smile at her. She looks confuse. She just stand there and look at me, probably wondering what on earth i'm doing here. I clear my throat, "Here this are for you," I say handing her the flowers. She stretching her arms and takes the flowers. She starts to look around and I can see in her eyes she is taking everything in.

There is a towel in the floor and flower are surrounding the floor. There is food and drinks on top of the towel. It actually is very beautiful. "Hey do you want something to eat," I ask her. I point down to the food and she looks down.

"No, thanks I'm fine."

I breath in, "Hey can you come over here," I say. She gives me a questioning look. "I promise i won't do anything to you," I reassure her. She takes a breath in and start to walk tours me. I bend down to one knee, " Emma Faye would you do me the honor of spending the rest of the life with me," I say looking up at her.

Emma's P.O.V.

I stare down at Tyler. He is on the ground looking up at me asking me to marry him. I look up and start to look around. The ocean look so beautiful right now and as the sun sets in it's horizon. A tear is drops from my eye. "Yes," I whisper. Even though this marriage is arrange, the way he propose women will kill to be me, that I know.

He smiles and gets up. He grabs my hand and places the ring on my left hand on my ring finger. "You will be the future Mrs. Evans," he says letting go of my hand. I pull my hand up to observe the ring more closely. It is a big ring that has a gold surrounding it, it's beautiful. I look at Tyler and see him awkwardly standing next to me scratching his neck. He looks very cute. He is wearing a black suit with a white shirt. Even though he look sophisticated there is still a splash of bad boy in it. He has his shirt collar standing up and he has no tie.

"Thanks," I say with a small smile, "Even though you were force to do it." I know he was force there is no way he would've done this all by himself.

"No problem," he say smiling, "Do you want to go now?" He gestures to where i'm sure he parked his car. I nod and he begins walking and I follow him.


A quick spoiler, Luke is coming back. I am not telling you in what chapter, but his character is sure coming back and he is going to cause trouble for everyone, but guess who in particular. Anyway, comment and vote.

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