Epilogue: Part 2

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"Do you Ashlee Albert take Ryan Evans as a husband?"

My best friend is about to get marry to my husband's brother. There relationship did last and right now they are about to tie the knot.

Ashlee smiles lovingly at Ryan, "I do."

"Then I declare you husband and wife!"

I smile and so does everyone in the room. A big round of applause was herd as they kissed. I was so happy for her. She had always dreamed of finding a perfect guy and I'm so glad she did. She had found Ryan, the only guy I know that is good enough for her. I know he truly does love her and that he does care.

They pulled away and I approached Ashlee to give her a hug. "Congratulations, Ash, you are now married," I whisper in her ear.


The speeches had just finished and now Ryan was talking to Tyler. I was sitting with Arden in my arms. She had almost run of energy but not quite, yet.

My mom came over to me and looked down at Arden, "Hey sweetie, let me take Arden from you," she told me. I smiled and handed her Arden. She walked off with her in her arms. Logan, Brysen, and Arden have been able to bring back joy for my mom since dad died. I am so happy to see her like this again. I smiled to my self.

"What you smiling about?" Is suddenly said beside me. I slightly jump and then turn my head to see a grinning Hayli.

I smile, "Nothing, just thinking about how great my life is," I tell her. I could not ask for a better life right now. I am married to one of the most amazing guys ever, which also gave me three amazing kids.

"Well I'm glad your happy," Hayli says sincerely. Hayli is amazing. Over these last seven years she has gone though a lot and she still manages to smile.

The day when I got kidnapped by Luke I was supposed to meet up with Hayli because she kinda had a big problem. After all the big situation had been over I finally had the chance to ask her what was wrong. She told me she had gotten carried away and slept with Alex and that she thought she was pregnant. I made her take a pregnancy test and turned out she was. The asshole of Alex dumped her when he found out. When Hayli was 3 months along she unfortunately had a miscarriage. She was devastated and she found herself turning to drugs for condolence. Ashlee and I were both disappointed when we found out that Hayli was on drugs, but we couldn't blame her though. Even though both of us knew everything she was going through we were to preoccupied with our lives that we didn't support her very much. Hayli was the perfect child, but when her parents found out that she was pregnant they turned on her, but when they found out she was on drugs they kicked her out. After all this, she decided to block everyone out and not let anyone in, not even Ashlee and me.

About three years ago she finally decided to get her life back on track. She left the drugs and started down the right path. She was a new and much improved Hayli. She started to go to college and now she is on her second year of law school. On the path she has also found love. She met a guy named Ian a year ago and I'm so happy for her.

I smiled at her and give her a side hug, "Thanks, are you happy Hay?" Even though she seemed happy, I wasn't 100% sure.

Hayli gave me a small grin, "Yes, Em, I am happy. My life is amazing now that you and Ash are in it again. Ian also makes it so much better than before," she had that smark in her dark brown eyes that told me she was in love. I knew she had found real love. The love that makes things much better no matter what and I knew Ian was in love with her too. I have seen Ian a couple of times but all those times I have noticed the way he looks at Hayli. They are both so deeply in love with each other and I'm so happy for both of them.

"I'm glad your happy Hayli," I tell her with a sweet smile.

Ashlee suddenly pops out of nowhere, "Oh my gosh, Hayli, you made it!" She says cheerfully as she hugs her.

Hayli smiles and hugs her back, "Yeah I did," She takes a step away from Ashlee, "Wow Ash, you look so beautiful in your wedding dress, doesn't she Em?"

I smile at both of them, "Yes, you look absolutley stunning Ash," I tell her sincerely. She was perfect, like she always dreamed she would.

What day is it? And in what month?

This clock never seemed so alive

I can't keep up and I can't back down

I've been losing so much time

This caught my attention. I looked in front of me and Tyler was there smiling at me. The smile that I wake up to every morning. This is the song he sung to me on our wedding day. If I look back this song is where it all began. My feelings started to grow for him in that very moment. This is where it showed the real Tyler, the Tyler I know and love today. This was the moment when our crazy love story started to unfold and neither of us knew. We had already started something that would change us forever. It would start this big crazy roller coaster. We were going to have fights, a lot of them, but I think at the end of the day we both knew we couldn't resist giving in to the big unplanned love. We were to damn stubborn to give in, though.

That moment was when we got the chance in the love we never expected.


And this is officially the end of Unplanned Love. After eating a bar of chocalate and a coke I decided it was time to finish this last part. It has 39 parts and it turned out to be exactly what hoped it would be. You guys are AMAZING! You got this book to 7K views and that means so much to me. Thank you! I am freaking out behind the computer screen because I can't believe I finished my first book. I hope you enjoyed the book and it means so much that you guys took time to read it.

Please check out my other two books and tell me what you think about them! Thank You Again!

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