Chapter 27: Telling the Parents

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I am so happy the weekend exist. This two days I get to just relax. Go thrue everything that happen in the week and sort it all out. I get my head straight and make plans.

I'm downstairs in the kitchen making myself a sandwich. I woke up super hungry today. I hate being pregnant, it's going to make me get fat.

"Emma!" I hear Tyler yell from upstairs.

I groan, "What!," I yell back. I grab my finish sandwich and start to walk upstairs. I find Tyler in the game room playing video games.He is sitted in a chair. He is in his pajama pants with no shirt on. "What the hell do you want?" I take a bite out of my sandwich.

He looks at me, "Come here," he gesture for me to walk. I walk up to him and he grabs my waist. He turns me around causing my back to press against his stomach.

"What do you want Tyler," I ask him irritated. I take another bite of my sandwich.

He gives me a kiss in the cheek. What the fuck is wrong with him today? Why is he acting like I'm in a relationship with him. He takes a bite out of my sandwich. I glare at him, "This is my sandwich, go make your own," I say holding up the sandwich so he can clearly see that it's mine.

He gives a small chuckle, "You know that everything that's your is mine, and everything that's mine is yours," He says.

I roll my eyes, "Whatever, why did you even call me up here for?" I ask annoyed. Somehow Tyler always finds a way to get into my nerves.

"Because we are going to our parents house to tell them the news," he says. We found out I was pregnant yesterday and he already wants to tell them. He somehow is making all the choices.

I'm not in the mood of arguing with him, "Okay I'm going to go get ready." I wiggle myself out of his grip and walk back to our room.

I grab a dress and go into the shower. I finish quickly and soon I'm all ready. Lets just hope Tyler is ready too. I walk back to the game room. Tyler is in the same position I left him.

"Are you going to get ready or play video games all day?"

He snaps his head tour me but quickly looks back at the big plasma T.V. I'm not going to stress about him today, I'm just not going to deal with it. I walk out of the room and go downstairs. I sit down in the couch and start surfing through the channels.

About an hour later I hear footsteps coming tours me. I look in that direction. Tyler is standing there fully dress. He smiles, "I'm all ready, lets go," he gestures tour the garage door.

I get up and walk with him. When he opens it the first thing I notice is there is a motorcycle.

I raise my eyebrow and look at him, "Why is there a motorcycle here?"

"I bought it a couple days ago, come on let's go."

How do I not notice things like this? I should really start to pay more attention. I mean I did not notice a black and green motorcycle in the middle of the garage.

I get into the car at the same time Tyler does. The ride is a very comfortable silence. I don't know to who's house we are going to go first. Tyler start to slow down and he pulls in a drive way. This must be Tyler's parents house. The house is huge. Even though I've been married to him a little over a month I've never been to his parents house.

Tyler stops the car and gets out. I get out also and catch up to him. He opens the door and walks in. I walk in after him and I'm immediately amaze by the beauty of the house. It looks so luxurious and expensive. This people know how to live.

"I'm here!" Tyler yells through the enormous house.

Ryan quickly shows up, "Hey, what are you guys doing here?"

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