Chapter 7: Picking Out Outfits

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It's Wednesday today, great! I am laying in bed. I don't want to get up and I especially don't want to go shopping.

I lean over to pick up my phone from the nightstand. I look at the time, 8:36. I have to be ready by 9 because Mrs. Evans and my mom have made an appointment for dresses try outs, yeah such joy!

I get up and start to make my way to the bathroom. I turn on the shower and start to strip off. I take a quick shower and get out and wrap a towel around me. I brush my teeth and dry my hair. I curl my hair a little and go out to my bedroom to get my clothes. I open my closet when suddenly Tyler burst into the room.

I scream, "What the fuck!" Tyler smirks, "Haven't you ever herd of knocking?!," I tell/scream at him. He laughs and looks me up and down, "Tyler!"

"Well I'm sorry," Tyler says chuckling," my mom and your mom want you downstairs."

"Okay, can you leave now," I say impationly. I am still pretty much naked under a towel.

He turns to leave tour the door, but when he is about to step out he turns back, "By the way nice boobs." I look down to my breast and notice they are half uncover. WHY WOULD TYLER BE LOOKING THERE?!? Well of course he would be looking there, his Tyler. I screech and through the neerest thing to me, a pillow. He closes the door quickly and dissapears behind it. I go up to the door and lock it. I go back to look for some clothes. I really don't know what to wear, so I just settle for a dress. It's a strapless and pink. It goes up to my knees. I do my make-up very natural.

I go downstairs and my mom and Diana are sitting in the couch, chating. When they see they both smile, "Are you ready to go, Emma?" Diana say very sweetly. I nod my head and we are heading out the door.

We get to the boutique and we go inside.It is huge and full of dresses mostly wedding dresses. Diana tells me to sit down. I sit and she smiles at me, "We have a surprise for you," she says exited. I look at her confuse and she laughs, "Well my your mom told me how much you love your bestfriends, Ashlee and Hayli, so I thought it would be a good idea to have them come here to help you pick out your dress!" I wide smile comes on my face as I see them come into the store. I jump and give them both a hug.

I'm sitting down waiting for my mom, Diana, Ashlee, and Hayli to bring me some dresses to try out. Diana said that it she didn't care how much it was as long as I like it. It actually feels uncomfortable that Diana is buying me stuff.

After waiting for about half an hour they finally have all the dresses for me to try out. Ashlee has like 5, Hayli has 3, my mom has like 8, and Diana she has like 15. They all yell. at me to go try them out. THIS IS GOING TO BE A LONG DAY!

Tyler's P.O.V.

I left Emma's house right after I went up to her room to tell her that they wanted her downstairs. I actually didn't mean to walk in, but I thought she was, well appropriate.

Anyways, I am here with my dad and James, Emma's dad, to pick out a tuxedo for me. My dad said that I should pick out a white one. I don't know why,though. This is going to be easy and fast, thank God. I feel bad for Emma. She is probably going to take the whole day trying to figure out what dress she is going to buy.

I tried on a couple of tuxedos and I finally settled for a all white one. I also have an all white pants and shirt. I now need to look for the vest and tie. I start to look and a red vest catches my eye. I go over it and try it on. I think it looks pretty good. I decide I would get that and I find a red stripe tie. I finally get some plain black shoes.

My dad and James also get some suits, but there's are black. We go out to the register and pay for all the stuff. Everything is very expensive here. We end up paying more than $3,000.

Emma's P.O.V.

After trying about a million dresses I finally have found one I really like. (picture of how the dress and tuxedo) I still, though, have to pick out some heels. I personally don't like heels, I prefer my converse. They make me feel safer. My mom and Diana also say I have to get some lingerie to wear under the dress. I make a disgusted face at them.

"Why do I need that?" I ask them a little to childish.

"Well, how do I explain," my mom says nervously, "You need it in case you and Tyler hav-"

"Okay! I think I get it," I say cutting off my mom. I don't want to hear her say it, it would just make it weirder than it already is. All through out this Ashlee and Hayli have a huge smirk on their face. I just roll my eyes at them and they start to laugh. My mom picks out this white lingerie, which I think are to revealing. I don't say anything, though. I get some simple white heels since they are just going to be hiding under the dress. Finally, we pay and they say they would have the dress sent to us in about two days. Ashlee and Hayli say they have to leave, so I say bye to them.

"OK we are going to go meet up with the boys," Diana says smiling. The boys? Is that meaning Mr. Evans and my dad. I'm not trying to be mean, but I don't think they are consider boys anymore.

"Why are we meeting up with them?" I ask.

"Oh, we are going to have lunch with them," Diana says.

We get into the car and she stars the car. My mom and Diana start to talk and I am just in my phone. She drives for about 15 minutes and we come up to a very fancy looking restaurant. We go inside and I see one of the "boys", my dad. We go up to them and I also see Tyler.

They all stand up and greet us, even Tyler. My mom sits next to my dad and Tyler, Diana sits next to Blake and my dad, and I have to sit next to Tyler and Blake. We all order our drinks and food. As we wait for our food to arrive Blake tells me something I find very surprising, "We are going to get you two a house." Tyler and I look up to him in shock. They all start to laugh.

"That's is our wedding gift to you," Diana says smiling. Wow, this people are filthy rich. "That gift is from the four of us."

"You can move in right after the wedding," my mom says.

"But remember our rule," Blake say seriously. He looks at both of us, with some his dark brown eyes. They are seriously intimidating.

"Yeah we know, sleep in the same room," Tyler says smirking, "We are going to do that and we will also be doing some kid making in there, too." I choke on my drink when he says the last thing. He looks at me with a smirk and says," Are you okay, babe?"

I glare at him, "Um, yeah just fine." I see the waiter coming with our food, thank god!


I'm going to be posting every Friday and Tuesday from now on.

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