Chapter 2: Why Him? ✅

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After the "news" were told, everyone was silence. The air was starting to become thick with tension and the silence was becoming extremely awkward.

After what felt like ages, Tyler finally spoke, "I can't get married!" He yelled out. He gave me a big glare, "I'm only 17!" He told his mom. Mrs. Evans was sitting down, looking very calm.

I figured Tyler was a couple years older than me, but he is two years older than me. I know that doesn't seem like much, two years, but they expect me to marry him. That changes things a whole lot.

I finally managed to find my tongue again, "Mom, I can't marry someone who is two year older," I protest, "I'm only fifteen, I have my whole life ahead and he sure isn't part of it. I don't want to spend my life with a jerk I don't even know, or love." I looked at him and gave him a big glare. I mean, who will like to spend their life with a guy they just met. No one in there right mind.

Tyler's glared right back at me, "Your probably some type of slut or bitch," He spits back. This I won't tolerate!

I get up from my seat and stomp out of the house. Tears are beginning to form, but I won't let them fall. I want to cry, badly, but I won't. I need to get away from the house. I start to walk in the sidewalk with no destination in mind. I am furious at everyone and everything, especially my parents.

I can't believe they have arranged a marriage with an arrogant jerk. Did they think I will magically fall in love with him? I will never fall in love and if I do, its not going to be with Tyler Evans. How can I even marry him? He is 17 and I'm 15, well almost 16, but that still has to be illegal.

I keep walking down the side walk, when I suddenly hear loud footsteps behind me. I stop for a quick second and glaced back. Tyler is behind me trying to catch his breath. I did not expect to see him come after me at all.

"Hey bitch," He said with a smirk, "they sent me to get you." I roll my eyes, turn, and kept walking.

How can I marry him? He is such a jerk. He doesn't even call me by my name. He doesn't even try to be civil. Why couldn't at least been his brother? He seems nice and sweet and certainly not a jerk.

"Come on!" He says pissed, "If you don't come back, I'm going to be in deep shit." I don't know why, but I feel accomplished. I have pissed him off.

"I don't want to go back," I snap back. I'm going back when I want to go back not when you tell me.

He rolls his eyes and grabs my elbow tightly, "I don't really care if you want to go back or not, you are fucking coming," he says.

I try to get my arm out of his grip, but this only causes it to get tighter, "Let go of me, asshole!" I yell at him.

He chuckles and smirks, "Not a chance, babe." I feel like smaking that fucking smirk of his face right now. Scratch that I feel like killing him!

I once again try to get out of his grip, but this time he just pulls me and begins to walk, dragging me with him. All through out the walk to my house I keep trying to get out of his grip. I didn't have success though because we are soon in front of my house.

Before we enter he glares at me, "You better not tell them I just pulled you, you got that." He is looking at me with his blue eyes and they are honestly intimidating. I have to look away. I nod slowly and then look back at him.

He has a little smirk on his lips, "Good bitch, now come on," he begins to walk up the stairs. I can't stand him, he doesn't even treat me like a person. A tear escapes my eyes and I can feel more forming.

Don't cry, Emma. Don't cry, don't give him the satisfaction of seeing you weak and defeated.

I take a deep breath and keep repeating that over and over again in my mind. I go up the small stairs and into the the house.

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