Chapter 3: The talk

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The curiosity of Ashlee and Hayli has been on high alert since our talk this morning. Once I start to tell talk about it, though, they are not going to let me go until I tell them everything and I mean everything. That is the exactly why I am going to wait until after school. When we go over to Hayli's house.

Right now I am sitting down in French class, my last class. I'm not really into the French language- it's not as easy as it looks- but I had to choose a language for this year, so here I am, completely loss in the lesson and trying to figure out how to get rid of my boredom. I squint my eyes at the board and shake my head. I am trying to comprehend what is on it, but after a couple of minutes I end up giving up and stare back down at my notebook- which should actually be filled with notes- but instead is completely empty and has doodling all over it.

The only noise in the classroom is the- too high- pitch voice of Mrs. Johnson. She is quiet young actually. Maybe eight or ten years older than me. She has an elfish-looking face with white skin visible all over. She has white blond hair and light blue eyes. Your typical blonde- again with the stereotyping. She is not dumb, though. She is very far from that actually. She is extremely intelligent. I know students come to her for help, not only in French, but other subjects as well. Even if she is young and intelligent it doesn't make her any less boring than any other teacher in this damn school.

Other than her voice most of the class is dead silent. It has been like this since yesterday. Suddenly the squeaky sound of the door opening is herd through out the room. I am too caught up on my doodling to look up, though. I am still doodling as the person's footsteps are thumping around the class.

The class room is still very much quiet so I figured it isn't someone important. The person made Mrs. Johnson shut up, though, and I am almost thankful for the person who walked in- almost. When I hear Mrs. Johnson say, "We have a new student, Tyler Evans." I look up in an instance. All the thankfulness I had for the person is gone once I find out who it is. 

Tyler is standing next to Mrs. Johnson's old wooden desk. I am surprise that he does not have a smirk on his lips, but instead a smile that showing off his perfect white set of teeth. All the girls in the classroom have now re-directed there attention towards him. They all have a flirty smile on their face and some are waving at him. I look at him and he catches my eyes. And just like that his cocky smirk is back on his lips.

Mrs.Johnson looks around the classroom. Most likely looking for a sit for Jerky-Ass-Tyler. That is when I begin to pray she magically loses her sight and doesn't see the empty seat next to me, but luck is never on my side anyways.

"Okay, Tyler, you can sit next to Emma," Mrs. Johnson says. Either I have bad luck or she just doesn't like me. She has been given me a cold glare since yesterday.

Tyler just nods and starts to walk tours me, "Hey my bitch," he says. I roll my eyes and scoot myself over. He chuckles, "Come on, you are still mad at me from la-" he get interrupted by a girl calling his name behind him.

He turn around and gives her a full smile," Yeah, babe, how can I help you," he says. He is such a Jerk. He is flirting with her like I'm not even here. I mean for God sake, I'm going to be his wife. I mean I don't care about him or what he does, but he should at least try to do that when I'm not looking.

I quickly turn and catch a glimpse at the girl. She has brown hair and brown eyes, I wouldn't consider her pretty. I turn back around, but I can still hear them. The girl tell him her name, Jane, and gives him her phone number. Tyler accepts it and say, "I would sure be using this soon." I roll my eyes I give my attention back to the teacher, Tyler isn't worthy of my attention. The lesson guess on and on, until the final bell rings.

Finally I get up and head outside and I feel like someone is following me. I turn around and to my luck I see that it's, no one other than Tyler. "What do you want," I snap at him.

"Don't you want to come back to my house with me," he says with a smirk. I immediately know what he is talking about.

"Well why don't you go, dig a whole, and die in it," I say and walk away. He just was standing there with his mouth open. I don't have time for his comments right now.

I head outside and see that Ashlee and Hayli already are waiting for me. I also see Alex, Hayli's boyfriend. "Are you ready, Em" Ashlee says. I nod and Hayli says bye to Alex. Alex leaves and we all get in the car.

The car ride was very silent, way to silent. We got to Hayli's house in about 10 minutes, but it seem like hours. We get into her house and see that her parents aren't here. "Where are you parents, Hayli?" I ask. I also couldn't take the silence any more, it was too overwhelming.

"Oh they said they were going to go out," she said walking into the leaving room. Ashlee and I follow her. "Now spill," she add on looking at me.

"Okay, but I don't want you to freak out," I warn then looking at both of them. They both nod at the same time. " Okay so you know how my parents told me yesterday, well it turns out it was their long time friends," I start out, " Everything was going well I met their friends, Diana and Blake, and I also met their sons, Ryan and Tyler," I feel tears stinging my eyes, " Well we had dinner and then they gave me some news," tears started falling down my face.

Ashlee and Hayli were both looking at me with concern and curiosity. "Well what were the new news, Emma," she says.

"The news were that I was," I start, but couldn't manage to finish it off.

"That you, what?" Hayli says very confuse.

"That I, that I," I start off, "That I was getting married," I finally blurt out. Now that I say it everything seems so real, too real. I look down and then at Ashlee and Hayli. They were looking at me with a shock face. They were still taking everything.

After what felt like hours, actually a few seconds, Hayli finally spoke up, " Your getting married, to who?" she says in disbelief.

"To Tyler Evans," I say to them.

"Wait Tyler Evans, the guy you walked in with," Ashlee says still not fully understanding. I give her a small nod and I hear her gasp. Hayli is looking at me with sympathy. I don't know why, but i never liked people looking at me with sympathy.

"I feel so sorry for you, Em," Hayli says giving me a hug, "he looks like such a jerk."

"Well he is a jerk," I say with a sniffle. I am still crying but less now. Everything is starting to sink in, I will get marry to Tyler, I will stay marry to Tyler, and all of my life plans would go to waste. So much for planning the perfect life.

"Tyler is in my chemistry class and all he did was flirt with girls and get into trouble," Ashlee says with a grin. Well he does look like a bad boy and he is a jerk, I wouldn't expect anything more of him. I will spend my life with Tyler who later might turn into a delinquent.

Ashlee and Hayli spent the next hour trying to cheer me up and it worked. Right now we are watching Mean Girls. This movie has been out for so many years, but I have never seen it. We all are very concentrated on the movie, until my phone starts to ring. I pull it out of my pocket and look at the caller ID. Unknown? I pick it up and hear the voice I wish never existed.

"Hi Emma," the other line say.

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