Chapter 12: The Wedding: Part 1

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My alarm rings at exactly 6 A.M. I groan and start to get ready. I probably got about an hour of sleep, I am so tired. All night I kept turning and tossing around my bed. Not one of my nights! I just kept thinking about the wedding.

I go to the bathroom to take a quick shower. After about 5 minutes I get out, brush my teeth, and go to my closet. Since I am going to get my hair and make-up done I want to be comfy. They are going to take a really long time. I settle for some black sweat-pants and a baggie sweater. I put on some short brown buttom uggs, grab my phone and go downstairs. I see that my mom, Lisa, and Diana were all waiting for me downstairs. They all smile at me and I smile back at then.

"Are you ready, sweetie," my mom says smiling. She hands me a cup of coffee. I take it with a smile.

"Ok we need to go," Diana say, "we need to go pick up Ashlee and Hayli." She starts to walk outside and we all followed behind. This time she didn't have a limo instead she had a black Cadillac Escalade that looks very fancy and luxurious.

We got in and then it started moving. We stopped at Ashlee's and Hayli's houses to pick then up. They both were almost dress exactly like me.

I looked at my phone and saw that it was ten past seven when we reached the hair salon. When we came in we were greeted by a lady that looked around her 50's.

"Diana! so nice to see you!" she said to Diana, "Are you all ready?"

"Yeah we are, but we need you to get all our hair and make-up done by 11:30," Diana told her with a smile. We had to be finished at least by 11 and dresses by 11:30. The ceremony was due to start by 12.

"Sure what's the occasion," she asked.

"A wedding," Diana answered her with a smile.

The lady nodded, "Ok let me just call all of my other stylist to help me," She said. The lady disappeared for a couple of minutes and then came back with 5 other stylist. Two of the stylist were men and they looked very much gay. They all looked like they were in there early 20's or early 30's.

Each one of us got our own stylist. I went with one of the guys.

"Hey, my name is Cole," he told me with a smile.

"Hi, I'm Emma," I answer him and return the smile.

He gestured towards the chair in front of him and I sat down. He grabbed some of her hair, "So how would you like your hair today?" he asked me.

I have no idea how I, or more like Diana and my mom, want my hair. I look at Diana who was sitting next to me.

She looked at Cole, "Can you curl it and then make it into a bun, but leave some curls dropping and with that make-up make it look natural but not childish," she instructed him.

Cole nodded and started working on it. He had to blow dry my hair first since it was still wet from the shower I had taken this morning. We started having some small talk.

"So why are you getting your hair done today?" he asked me, focused on my hair.

"Well it looks like I am getting marry today," I told him with a fake smile.

He looked at the mirror and I saw his shock face, "Well, umm, congratulations!" he told me with a wide grin. Well I am going to get marry, but not to my Prince Charming. I am going to get marry to Tyler Evans, a jerk with no cares in the world.

I didn't answer just gave him a small smile. We talked and talk for a long time. I saw that everyone was almost done. It was just Ashlee, Lisa, and me. They were almost done, though, they were just finishing there make-up. I was running really behind. After another 10 minutes Cole finished up. I looked at the mirror and was satisfied with his work. Everyone was finish, except me. Cole quickly started doing my make-up. He finished 15 minutes later.

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