Chapter 28: They Know

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Tyler's P.O.V.

Saturday and Sunday were really good days. Emma and I didn't fight once, that is a big improvement. I've tried to be extra nice since I found out Emma is pregnant. I know she is going to be the one going through everything, the least I can do is be nice to her.

I constantly need to remind myself that I'm going to be a dad. I mean it seems so unrealistic. The thought of knowing that I'm capable of creating a human being is frightening enough. Now imagining that I'm going to have to care for and guide a human through out life is terrifying. The worst thing is not knowing how to do it.

Today is the start of a new day and a new week. I open my eyes and see that Emma is still asleep. That's unusual, she usually up way before me. I need to wake her up but in a way I don't want to. She seems so deep in sleep.

In a way she looks broken but she still manages to be strong. I admired this girl since the day I met her. She keeps her head held up no matter what. She is much stronger than many other girls, considering the things she's been through. She is truly beautiful in every single way. I want to protect her. I look at her. Every single inch of her face and that when it hits me. I'm in love with my wife.

Love. That is one of the most dangerous words out there. You can't control love, love has a mind of its own, a very confusing one. When you finally admit love to someone it's like handing them a gun, with one bullet, and hoping that they won't shoot you. You need to hope that the bullet never come in contact with your heart because if it does it, a small piece of it will die.

I wipe some strands out of her hair out of her face. I admire her beauty for a second before I bend down and put a soft kiss on her neck. I start to leave a trail of kisses up her neck and jaw.

Her eyes flutter open and she looks at me strangely, "What are you doing?"

I smile at her, "Waking you up," I tell her innocently.

She rolls her eyes, "Yeah sure, whatever." She runs her hand through her hair, "What time is it?"

I look at my phone, "7:41," I tell her.

Her eyes widen and she jumps out of bed. She runs into the closet and then to the bathroom. I get out also and start to get ready.

Emma's P.O.V.

Tyler took me to school today. As soon as I got out of the car everyone started looking at me. They were giving me strange looks and some were whispering. I quickly made my way into the school and to my locker. Ashlee and Hayli were both standing there with a worried expression. What the hell is going on?

"They know," Ashlee whispers loudly.

I look at her confuse, "What?"

"Everyone at school knows that your married," Hayli whisper.

Oh, shit! How the hell did they find out? I looked around and all the girls were giving me dirty looks. Today is going to be a fucking pain, I know it.

My first four periods were horrible. Everyone kept 'whispering' stuff about me. I think everyone wanted me to hear what they had to say about my marriage. Many of the things weren't very nice. They also are trying to figure out who I'm married to. If they only knew it's one of the most popular guys in school.

Thank God the bell for lunch rang already. I'm on my way to the cafeteria when I feel someone grab my wrist. Luke is the one grabbing my wrist and he starts to pull me out side, where there is much less people.

What the hell does he want?

"What do you want Luke?" I say. I'm really in no mood, all I want is something to eat.

"I know that your pregnant," he says angrily.

I run a hand through my hair. I look at him, "How do you know that?"

He chuckles, "Emma I know everything that has happen in your life the last few months, everything," he tells me.

His been stalking me. Knowing this information makes me more scare, "Leave me alone Luke, I don't want you back in my life."

I start to walk away but he grabs my wrist. Pain shoots through my hand and I whine. He pulls me back to him, "You never walk away from me!" He says through clench teeth.

I try to pull my hand away but that only causes his grip to get tighter. "Ow," I whine, "Let me go."

"Let her go," I hear a voice say behind me. I know this voice I hear it every day, it's Tyler.

Luke laughs, "Look who showed up, the husband," he pulls me closer to him.

I pull my hand again, "Let me go!" I yell.

The next thing I know Luke is ripped away from me. Tyler and him start to punch each other. Soon they have a crowd around us. I need to stop this!

I put my hands between them, "Guys stop!" They of course don't stop. I step in between them and that's when I feel a pain in the right side of my face. My back hits the ground hard and that knock the air right out. I see everything go black.

Tyler's P.O.V.

Luke hit her! He punched her right in the cheek. She fell back and now she is laying on the ground. I instantly stop fighting and rush to her side. Her eyes are close and her cheek is bright red. Everyone's attention is now on her.

"Are you okay?" I ask worried. She still has her eyes close. I lightly shake her and she doesn't respond. That's when I begin to freak out.

The baby, I think. What if something happen to the baby? If something does it's all going to be my fault. Without thinking twice I pick her up and begin to run tours the school. I push through everyone in the hall. I need to get her to a hospital. I'm almost to the parking lot when Ashlee and Hayli show up. Both of them clearly worried about Emma.

"What happen?" Hayli asks gesturing to Emma.

I don't have time for this right now but they both seem super worried. "She got punch and she passed out," I lower my voice, "I need to have her check out because the baby." I know they already know about the baby because when Emma and I found out about the baby they were at the house the whole afternoon. The three of them were locked in the room. They didn't come out for a good three hours.

"We're coming with you," Ashlee announce. Since they are coming then I start to walk tour the parking lot. When we reach the car I quickly set Emma in the backseat and drive to the hospital.

When we get there they quickly take Emma. All Hayli, Ashlee, and I do is wait for the doctor to come out to tell us if Emma is okay. If something is wrong with her or the baby I'm going to blame myself.

I see a doctor walk tour us and I stand up. The doctor looks at his clipboard, "Emma Evans?"

"Yeah I'm her husband, what's wrong with her?" I ask impatiently. He looks at the clipboard again. He examines it for a couple seconds before looking up at me.


Cliff hanger! Do you guys think the baby's okay? I've started school again! That sucks and this year I'm going to be super busy. I need to look for another school to go to and I have many other things to do outside of school. Don't worry I'm still going to be posting every week.

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