Chapter 4

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"Do you hear that?" A girl I've come to know as Dove, a Reguim, asks us. We all pause and listen for a minute without noticing anything. But then my ears pick up a strange grumbling that slowly morphs into deep laughter. The chattering people around us fall silent as everyone looks around, trying to find the source of the maniacal chuckling.

Ace, Scorpio, and another person I don't recognize are on top of one of the log chairs, serious and alert. It isn't until a huge black figure forms that I feel Jack's freezing presence behind me. The fear stricken crowd stays completely still as Ace calls out.

"Pitch Black." he shouts at the horrifyingly familiar face. I've seen him before, although it seems unbelievable. His face is dark gray and piercing yellow eyes accompany a devilish smile.

I'm flashed back to my bedroom when I was young. I see Anna sleeping peacefully and a dark creature looming over her; then the scene changes to my own bedroom after we had been separated and I was forced into isolation. I wake up to the same man pacing my room slowly, however I had thought it was only my imagination then. That's the only two times I can distinctly remember- it happened many other times.
Jack grabs my arm and I look at him. He's not scared at all.


I've seen him before.. I don't know where but I have. Flames shoot up at him but slice into nothing. His body disintegrates around the Calor's attempt to shoo whoever this is.
"Elsa," I whisper and she glances at me. "I know him." I add. My mind strives to work at forming the memories of seeing him in my past but I just can't. It must have been my mortal life that he's visited me.

"I do too," She mutters after a few seconds. I open my mouth to speak but the dark creatures booming voice overpowers mine.

"Hello, my fellow gifted children." He greets us, his voice hard and cold like a freshly sharpened saw. "It's been a while since I have visited you here. Maybe some of you remember me, while others may only be familiar with my tale. I am the boogie man." he grins and bows, as if expecting the crowd to erupt into cheering of adoration.

"Pitch Black, what do you want?" Scorpio hisses coldly but this Pitch Black blows him off.

"Just a message to tell." He says as if he is telling us the sky is blue. He begins speaking before any of our leaders could object. "You may be wondering why I decided to suddenly pay a visit, but I received word that there are a few attending here that I need. The first time in 3 years since you've has anyone in the Frigus company- I've heard there's 2 in fact!" He seems excited.

"How do you know that?" Ace calls as Elsa shrinks into me. He wants me and her.

"Everyone is dismissed." he ignores him before replying. "I have eyes everywhere." All the campers scatter in seconds, leaving Elsa, me, Ace, Scorpio, and another leader I don't know.


"What's going to happen to Jack?" I ask and Flynn shrugs. Hans walks silently and glances up at me momentarily.

"And the other girl, Elsie, I think?" Flynn adds.

"Elsa," Hans corrects. Jack had told me a lot about her. She's a queen, a Frigus, and beautiful from what he said. I continue walking back to our cabin when I run into someone else talking about Elsa.

"Oh, sorry!" A sweet voice calls. I look up to see the girl with incredibly long hair. Flynn nonchalantly steps in front of me.

"Pardon my friend here, he's quite clumsy." He jokingly nudges me and I laugh.

"It's okay," She smiles. "Wait, you're Frost's friends, right?"

"We are." Hans speaks.

"We're Elsa's friends!" A thick accent invades my senses and I see her friend speaking.

"What are your names?" Flynn asks.

"I'm Rapunzel and this a Merida." Blondie explains and I tell them ours. She asks what we think is happening to them but none of us have an answer. Why would he come just for them? I don't know; not a clue.


Jack's arm holds me close as I tremble nervously. He looks back at me but his face falls when we're spotted. "You two." his voice interrupts. When he catches a view of us he nods and grins. "Yes, you. Come." Ace makes no effort to stop us so we step forward.

"What do you want?" Jack growls.

"I've been keeping a close eye on you two. And you," he looks at Jack. "may have thought the moon caused you here- however, it was me. And my pretty little queen here, well you were just a lucky score, I guess."

"What do you want with us?" My voice speaks without my consent but I do no effort to stop it. It doesn't sound as scared and worried as I feel.

"I simply want your help in gaining control over the mortals." He says it as if it's no big deal.

"Never." Jack leaves no more room for discussion but he doesn't take it.

"I had a feeling you might say that."

"Find someone else to help with your foolish plot." I sneer but he almost laughs.

"Someone else? My dear, your kind has been erased from the Earth."

"My kind?" I'm puzzled. What does he mean?

"There was others like you. More ice gifted humans, but like all problems they were taken care of. You two, I'm afraid, are the only cold ones left." His explanation is bone-chilling. Only ones.



Those two words suddenly set in how small and insignificant we are. I always felt isolated and alone and this makes it even worse. If it's only us two in the whole world, maybe that's why we are looked at with such awe. We're an almost extinct species. Endangered. I had no idea at all that there was others like me and knowing that there was and they're now gone..

"That doesn't change anything. We're not helping you no matter what." Jack fires back, his eyes clouded with hostility.

"Maybe you need some incentive?" Pitch tilts his head and fear sinks in again. "I'll give you a few days to discuss the matter. When I return, if you've decided to help me in my great cause then we can start our work. If not, well you will regret it." For a second the smirk held on his face twists into a growl but he quickly shifts back to professionally calm. And with that he flashes away leaving us frozen.

"Ace..?" Jack trails, turning to him. He shrugs and looks bewildered. Scorpio glances at the guy I don't know and speaks quietly.

"Finnick, try and contact Spade right away." Who's Spade?

"Don't worry, we will solve this problem quickly." Ace says.

"Will we?" Scorpio mutters as Finnick hurries off towards the leader's cabin. That's reassuring. They dismiss Jack and I and we walk towards the mass of students but I begin to panic.

"Jack," I huff and he stops walking and looks at me, concern weighing him down. He doesn't look scared at all while I'm about to crack under the pressure.

"Elsa, listen to me. He won't get us. Ace will help." His hands are placed on my shoulders and my skin burns where he touches it.

"But what if he doesn't?" I sniff.

"Then I will do whatever it takes to protect you."

(Hey guys! Sorry I switched point of views so much but I had a lot to fit in this chapter! I hope you enjoyed it :) please comment and vote!! Predictions, comments, or questions! Thanks guys, I love you all!)

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