Chapter 5

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(Sorry guys, I've been out of town! I finally got back so sorry if this update is low quality because I feel bad for keeping you all waiting! Love you all!



We find both our groups conversing in the mass of people. She tries to avoid everyone's watchful gaze but I just shut them out and focus on the problem at hand.

"What did he want?" Hiccup searches our expressions concernedly. I open my mouth to speak but pause when I see Hans staring Elsa down.

"You're drooling you stupid idiot. Leave her alone and stop looking at her like she's fresh meat and you're a hungry wolf." I didn't really say that but I want to. I don't know why my chest burns whenever anyone looks at Elsa, it just drives me crazy.

"He wanted us to help take over the world." Elsa's dry voice states and Merida almost laughs.

"To take over the world?" she smirks. "Is he serious?"

"Very." I don't mean to speak so sharply but they get that it is quite serious by my quick reply.

"What are you going to do?" Rapunzel, I think, asks but Elsa and I stay silent. We eventually say that we have no idea and Ace is handling the situation but we both know that's not true. It's just easier to lie to everyone else when you're trying to lie to yourself as well? No one really knows what to say.

"I'm here for you." Hans says I think to both of us, but the way he stares at Elsa I think he forgot everyone else is here. "We are, I mean." He corrects and she thanks him formally.

"Anyway," I sigh. "I think that being called upon by a giant nightmare to take over the world took a lot of energy out of me. I'm going to sleep."

"But it's only 7:30. They have to start dinner later because of the.. surprise visit." Hic laughs but I shrug it off. I'm not tired I just don't want to deal with people right now. It's so annoying being crowded by a bunch of teens trying to get the inside scoop on the freak ice kids. Not that that's ever happened to me but the thought doesn't sound pleasant.

"I'm tired too." Elsa adds.

"I'll walk you to your cabin." I offer and we set off before anyone can object. We walk in silence for a short moment before speaking at the same time. She giggles and tells me to go first, however after we bicker playfully she decides to speak.

"Were you scared at all today?" She asks hesitantly and I breathe in deeply.

"Scared: no." I say and she sighs. "But nervous? For sure."

"What do you mean?" She practically whispers.

"Fear is, by definition, an unsettling emotion caused by the belief that someone or something is dangerous, likely to cause pain, or a threat. Was I unsettled? Most definitely. But did I think he would cause pain? No." I explain. "I knew he wouldn't hurt us because. well, what would he gain? He needs us- both of us- from what it seems." I think she understands and agrees with what I'm saying because she stops walking, squints her eyes, and nods slowly.


He's so... I don't know how to explain his wise and witty remarks. And the way he smiles with half of his mouth and how his eyes literally light up when the beautiful laugh escapes his lips. I've only heard his real laugh like twice.

"What were you going to say?" I ask him.

"Were you scared?" He asks. I'm guessing that wasn't his question but his expecting emotion causes me to blurt out whatever is on my mind.

"Well, I was scared, but at the same time I didn't think he'd hurt me. Not because I was logically thinking like you but because I somehow knew that whatever would happen, you would be there to protect me." I blindly say before silently cursing myself. I'm giving in to him..

"You're not really tired are you?" he asks after a few seconds, catching me off guard. I just stated the most bold and outrages thing I've ever said and he questions me on another topic?

"No," I start.

"Good." He whispers before grabbing me and jumping into the air incredibly high. I clutch onto him tightly.

"Jack," I gasp. Oh, this is why he asked. We fly through the air that breaks around us in a blast of icy cold. "where are we..?"

"You ever been to the ocean before?" he asks.

"What?" I tilt my chin, trying to ignore the fact that my knuckles are turning whiter than the snow on his sweatshirt that I am grasping so tightly.

"The ocean. The beach, you know? The place where the water and land meet?"

"Oh, no." I manage through my teeth.

"Well, then this will be a blast." In every sense, really. We shoot off, farther away from camp and approaching the largest body of water I've seen. The fjord doesn't even compare. We touch down and I'm practically hyperventilating.

"Are you insane?" I heave.

"I do this all the time. No one will know we're gone." He grins and I can't help but join him. Sand? I question silently after taking off my shoes as he demands so playfully. He practically drags me into the water and a quick breath escapes my lips.

"Jack, it's freezing!"

"You're ice, how is this cold?" he smirks and I shrug. "Just come here."

I follow him, the salty water lapping at the bottom of my ankle length dress. Swirls of minuscule crystals claw at the surface of the star reflected liquid. He treads so smoothly until I accidentally splash him and he turns to me with a challenging and youthful glow.

"I didn't mean to-" I cut short when I earn a coating of water up my left arm.

"Oops." He playfully chuckles just before I splash him back, which leads to who knows how long of that. Eventually I find myself with my back to a wooden pillar that holds up the dock. The water sways right over my ankles as I peek around the corner to find the hidden Jack. After a few seconds, I feel his presence behind me and I squeal before being pinned between his lean body and the post.

"Got you," He whispers, the hushed tone not matching his triumphant grin.

"Do you now?" I tilt my head and he nods.

And what he says next surprises me.

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