Chapter 19

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(Apparently there's been some issues with people taking my ideas, so if you ever find a story that resembles any of mine please message me or comment! Please do! Don't feel bad because it would really help me out a lot :)



I wake up and attempt to shift without waking Rapunzel but fail. She's the lightest sleeper ever, I swear.

"You okay?" she asks sleepily.

"Yeah," I say quietly. "wait where's everyone?" I ask when I notice the absence of our friends.

"Out here!" Hiccup's voice calls from just outside the cave. I prop myself up and look towards the mouth and see the four of them standing in a circle. Rapunzel and I get up and join them tiredly.

"Way to wake us up, guys." I sarcastically nudge them and Merida speaks after laughing.

"You guys looked so adorable though," she teases, mocking Elsa's voice playfully.

"So what's the plan?" I ask after laughing and they look to Jack. He opens his mouth to speak and it isn't until then that I notice how upset Elsa is.

"The girls are going to stay here and we're going to the Southern Mountains." he says and I see Rapunzel deflate but stay silent.

"I can fight too," Elsa remarks but Jack just calmly speaks to her.

"That's why we need you to stay here and hold down the fort until we return. We can't have all of us parading into a battle we know nothing about, love." he says and she pouts.

"When do we leave?" I question.

"Now, if you're ready?" Hiccup speaks and I nod. They take a quick moment to say farewell's to the girls as I look to Rapunzel who's slightly apprehensive.

"Be safe," she says to me softly.

"I will be." I promise her but she still seems nervous. "You be safe too. Don't go far from here." I say and se nods.

"Bye, Flynn," she says, forcing a smile.

"Don't say bye, just say.. see you soon?" I tilt my head and she giggles a little.

"See you soon." she swiftly kisses me before returning to the safety of the cave.



"I feel like they've been gone for forever," Rapunzel whines and I force a laugh to hopefully get some of the weight off my chest. What if Jack gets hurt? I wouldn't be able to live with myself. The thought of such a horrible thing possibly happening makes my head spin.

"It's only been almost a day. They probably haven't even reached the base of the mountains yet." Merida's words trip out of her mouth and I have to agree.

Longest. Day. Of. My. Life.

The sun's began to set and all we've accomplished is worrying and whining. Granted, Merida did hunt for a while and ended up cutting her hand. Rapunzel healed her scratch with her magical hair that I'd almost forgot about. It's been so useless recently because apparently it didn't work against Pitch's dark magic or something.

"What could Hans be doing there?" Punzie asks and I shrug.

"Forming an army, making a potion," I list two possible answers but both sound reasonable. I don't doubt he still wants power but also revenge on me. I wonder if Pitch's passenger-ing in his body has twisted his mind a bit.

"What if it's a trick? What if they die?" Meri speaks quickly.

"They won't." Rapunzel says.

I look at the ground dazedly, finding it difficult to see the light at the end of this never ending adventure. I'm going to live forever.

I don't start 'guarding love' or whatever the heck I have do to until I complete this journey. But what happens then? Will Jack and I be able to be together?

"What if they do?" I unexpectedly mutter.

"No, Elsa. You can't think like that or you'll drive yourself crazy." Punzie says to me. I nod slowly but snap my head up when I hear footsteps outside. Are they back already?

"Hello?" Merida creeps towards the mouth of the cave to catch a glimpse at the approachers.

It's not our friends.

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