Chapter 14

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(Okay before I start, I just want to say THANK YOU to everyone! I gained 1k reads yesterday just on this fanfic and that made me soooo happy! love you all! Now I haven't gone through and revised this chapter but I'm anxious for you to read it, so I apologise for any errors. (:



"Jack, can you take us to his hideout?" Ace looks at me.

"Yes, I-I can," I huff, pushing the weakness that I feel to the back of my mind.

"Hold up," an unfamiliar voice speaks from behind me. I turn and see a guy that's aura screams power. Everyone falls silent except for Ace.

"Spade," he seems calm about this sudden appearance and I discover the name ringing a bell. That's right- he's like the leader of all of Aora or whatever.

"The prophecy did not state an army. I'm afraid only young Jack here can save Elsa and destroy Pitch Black." Spade speaks slowly, the words falling from his mouth gradually. I frown, glancing at the ground. I want to object- I can't do this alone. I don't have ice, let alone strength. He's incredibly tall and tan skinned. His appearance is striking and by the looks of him, I don't think he'd take rejection well.

"But Spade-" Finnick starts.

"I don't want to hear it." Spade quickly returns. "He's doing this for the sake of the world, not just the girl. Disobeying what prophecy states could ultimately end up in failure and we don't want that."

"Sir, he doesn't have his ice power anymore." Hiccup politely speaks up, concern coating his features.

"Why didn't you just say so?" Spade looks at me, his light and piercing blue eyes almost burning into my skull. He walks over to me casually and places his thumb on my forehead and guides me into kneeling position. He then twists his hand and lays another finger just below my hairline and I feel a jolt inside of my chest. I collapse to the ground, momentarily lifeless, before arising again. Energy flows through me and I watch as the familiar snowflakes crawl up my arms. A chuckle escapes my lips as I observe the coldness reuniting with my body.

"How did you..?" I trail off excitedly.

"Thank me later. You must go now," Spade smiles a little before nudging me onward. I turn back to the group, nodding quickly. Hiccup pats my back and whispers encouragingly.

"You've got this," he grins and I exchange a look of bravery with Scorpio. Still don't like him entirely for some reason, but I'm thankful for his help.

I shoot off of the ground, quickly attempting to locate the giant abyss, and spot it with ease. I glance down one more time before bolting through the increasingly cold air towards Elsa.


"Guess who's back?" I call through the empty hallways of Pitch's hideout. I already had to fend off a few dust guards, but it was puzzlingly simple. He must know I'm coming.. shouldn't he? Well, I guess he doesn't know of my regained power so I may have a bit of an advantage here.

"Jack." I turn and see Pitch grinning with pride. "What are you doing here, powerless failure?" his words sting but I brush them off.

"Where's Elsa?" I grunt.

"She's right here," He steps aside, revealing her to be incredibly distant and shy. My face lights up and I reach out for her, despite the fact that she's several yards away.

"Elsa," I huff worriedly but she just nervously glances at me.

"I-I'm sorry," she mutters. "but I don't know who you are."

What? How can she not know who I am?

Pitch did this.

"You took her memory?" I gasp.

"How else could I gain her assistance in my big plan? I can't very well make her kill her 'true love', now can I?" he sneers and I attempt a slash at him. He dodges swiftly sweeping a few black guards from the ground. I duck under a few blows, taking them down with my staff in order to save my power surprise. When I've completed that simple bump in the road, I turn and send ice shards hurtling directly for his heart, watching as he disappears right around them. He's gone for now..

I run to the confused and terrified new Elsa and grab onto her wrist. "I know you can't remember me right now, but you have to trust me." I whisper and she struggles to meet my gaze, the same way she did when we first met.

"How do I know I can trust you?" she says quietly. "I was told I could trust Pitch but I'm not so sure about that now,"

"Because," I attempt to speed the conversation along. "you loved me once upon a time." I hate saying it but I do. Her eyes go wide but I blow her reaction off. "We have to go now." She hesitantly nods and I bolt towards the door, oddly not surprised by what I see.

"Jack Frost," Hans. "always trying to be the hero, aren't you?" he tilts his chin and adjusts the gloves on his hauntingly red hands. Bloodstains?

"I wouldn't have to be the hero if you weren't an idiot." I say and he laughs.

"Idiot? You are the idiot in this situation." he begins walking towards us and I feel Elsa cower behind me. I've gained her trust. "And so are you, dear." he looks at Elsa.

"How?" Her voice is quiet and intimidated.

"You chose a cold peasant over me." Hans grunted, his eyes squinted.

"Well don't hold back." I sarcastically comment and he jabs at me.

"Don't touch me," I hiss and swipe him back with my staff.

"I will do whatever I-" a loud thumping noise rings through the air and I watch as he slumps over, revealing an armed Rapunzel with a frying pan.

"Punz?" I cock my head as Hiccup, Merida, and Flynn sneak in close behind. "You guys can't be here." I say.

"We don't care what any prophecy says." Flynn coos. "We aren't letting two of our best friends save the world alone." I can tell Merida is studying Elsa confusedly because she's still hiding behind me.

"They're our friends, Els." I tell her and she steps next to me.

"What happened to her?" Hiccup slowly questions.

"She lost her memory." I speak slowly, frowning and running my fingers through my hair.

"No," Rapunzel gasps, leaning into Flynn slightly.

"We don't have time to chat about it." Merida says, attempting to hide her sadness.

"Let me and Elsa take Pitch, you guys take the other Calors that should be somewhere in a sort of lab or library whilst they plot." I say and they all agree before dashing across the slippery ground and up a staircase just before the right corridor.

"Follow me," I tell Elsa and rush the other direction, attempting to find the room in which Pitch had dissected me. It should be around here somewhere...

"Is this what your looking for?" Elsa says softly and I turn to see the grand doors standing at dozens of feet tall. I nod and creep towards the door. I peek through the crack and see the demon healing the injuries I had caused him. He can self heal now too? This is going to be so difficult.

"Come in!" Pitch somehow acknowledges our presence, turning and grinning the most haunting and dark smile I've ever seen.

I'm screwed.

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