Chapter 16

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(I wasn't planning on writing more, but you guys are all so amazing so I guess I shall continue the story for you. ;) I came up with the outline of this chapter as I wrote so ignore any small mistakes that I will fix later. Thanks guys, and please comment! :)



I smile and excitedly squeal as Jack kisses Elsa repeatedly.

'Guardian of love'.

What an honor to be the protector of such an amazing and important thing. She did risk her life for the sake of love, but I guess love is just so something she lives off of which is probably why the moon gave her that.

I'm not entirely sure how this guardianship thing works so I've had to read between the lines a bit.

"You think you've won?" a voice interrupts our triumphant moment. "Far from it, my friends." we turn and see Hans standing the doorway with a sick grin.

"Jack killed your leader," Merida grunts.

"You've lost, Hans. Evil never wins." I say quickly, Flynn holding my hand to restrain me from attempting to knock him out again.

"On the contrary," Hans muses. "you killed him, sure- but I cast a spell on him before the heroic and false victory of Jack Frost. His spirit lives inside of me now." he steps closer towards us. "Elsa, you may be immortal now but I can still gain my revenge." he hisses before going up in smoke.

"It's not over," Hiccup huffs. "far from it, I'm afraid."

"No," Jack shakes his head as he holds his arm around Elsa, his other hand clutching his staff that gradually freezes the cold ground around him. "how is it possible?" he mutters to himself.

"This is too much to drag our camp into. I think our best bet at beating the bad guy while minimizing casualties is maybe going rogue," Hiccup says thoughtfully and as much as I don't like it, I agree.

"Us being there will only draw him in. Maybe if we avoid others then he'll only have us to play with?" Elsa stumbles over her words slowly and earns ripples of agreement from the rest of us as well.

"So.. what now?" I say.

"I have an idea," Hiccup looks at the ground, a plan formulating behind his strikingly emerald eyes. "okay, who's not afraid of heights and/or giant fire breathing beasts?" he says and I raise my hand.

"Rapunzel," Flynn whispers tensely.

"No worries, Flynn." Hiccup looks to my boyfriend. "She won't be hurt at all." Flynn eases up on his grip around my wrist and I step towards Hiccup.

"Punz and I will return to camp and explain everything in order to prevent any chaos while you all find a place to make a temporary stop. I doubt Hans will leave this place behind so maybe somewhere close by?" he says.

"Sounds brilliant." Jack nods, the rest of us doing the same.

"Come on," Hiccup beckons to me and I follow him out the large door after swiftly kissing Flynn's cheek.

"So what exactly are we going to..?" I trail off when he slides a whistle out of one of his many pockets and blows into it. I hardly hear a noise but I'm sure whatever creature he's summoning can sense it loud and clear. In hardly minutes, a black figure zips across the sky and I practically jump on top of Hiccup.

"It's okay, Punz," he chuckles. "it's just Toothless and Stormfly."

"Toothless and what-fly?" I question before getting knocked over by a gust of wind as two dragons land in front of us.

"Astrid," Hiccup sighed with relief before running to the blue dragon. There's a girl on it; tall, thin, gorgeous. Definitely someone I could see Hiccup with. He picks her up and spins her around, stopping when, what I guess is Toothless, intervenes and tackles his master. I approach slowly and gain his attention.

"Oh," Hicc starts, standing up. "Astrid, Rapunzel. Rapunzel, Astrid. Toothless, Rapunzel. Rapunzel, Toothless." he says quickly.

"And this is Stormfly." Astrid smiles and proudly pats her dragon.

"Nice to meet you," I smile and she returns it.

"What do you need, Hiccup?" Astrid questions him and he briefly explains all the events and plans. "I told you leaving Berk would only end in disaster." she punches his arm and he just chuckles.

"I know," he says to her slowly. "now let's go."

I jump onto Stormfly with Astrid and Hiccup takes his nightfury or whatever it's called. We take off and I practically yelp, tightening my grip on an amused Astrid.

"I was scared the first time, too!" she calls out over the sound of the wind. I half laugh. When we've reached a safe height, the flight smooths out.

"Amazing, isn't it?" Hiccup looks at me. I nod, finding the sight of him on a powerful black dragon odd and unfamiliar. He's a kind, peaceful friend- not beast wrangler.

After a short while, we arrive at our desired location and descend quickly.


I can't wrap my head around becoming a guardian. My memories stayed with me, the moon told me, because my journey is far from over and still requires my past, apparently. I ignore the nerves that boil in my stomach.

I wait in the bottom of the canyon alone as Jack flies everyone to the top individually. At last, he touches down silently behind me. I don't hear him until he playfully latches his arms around me from behind and nuzzles his face in my neck.

"Jack!" I gasp. "You'd scared me," I huff.

"That was the point," he teases and I pull away from him, my heart pounding.

"Whatever, let's just go." I hide a smile and he sweeps me off my feet and summons the wind to lift us up to the top.

"I love you." Jack whispers as we enjoy our short moment of peace. I return it with a smile just as we land next to our friends.

"Took you long enough." Merida smirks and Flynn laughs.

"Let's just find a place to stay." Jack chuckles and we all agree, setting off towards the forest.

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