Chapter 6

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"Did they really go to bed, do you think?" Hans asks distractedly. Everyone sort of shrugs it off, not sure how to answer him. He's calm and collected but at the same time there's an eerie glow about him, like the vibe the ocean sends off when the water calms just before a huge and threatening wave overtakes the unsuspecting victims.

"Yeah," Hiccup finally says. "They had an interesting and no doubt exhausting day."

"I think it was their excuse to get away from everyone." Merida bluntly states and Hans looks away from us dishearteningly. I'm beginning to think Hans has a thing for Elsa but by the way Jack interacts with her I don't think it'll ever work out for him. Jack and Elsa are the same company, they're Frigus. A company's bond is remarkably strong, and when they are an endangered species like the ice powered ones it's almost impossible, from what I've heard, to keep them apart.

"Where's Jack and Elsa?" Scorpio bursts into the area, looking crazed and stressed.

"Why?" Rapunzel asks lightly.

"It's urgent." He gasps. "There's been a.. a prophecy from the moon." Collective gasps and murmuring spread through the room like water flooding a room, impossible to stop and hard to control. How the heck did the moon prophesy?


"I win." he starts, hardly inches from me.

"No you don't!" I competitively defend. "I think you're trying to tell yourself that to feel better." I say and he pauses for a minute.

"You know what I think?" Jack muses.

"What, Jack. Please enlighten me." I throw my hands up

"You like me. Don't you?" Jack tilts his chin and grins.

"Wha- I do not!" I defend. "I-I hate you actually." My stuttering gives away the nerves that haunt each shaky breath I take.

"Oh is that so?" he steps even closer to me.

"Y-yes. I hate you. You always say the right thing and every time you look at me it makes me all anxious. And whenever you like smirk it just makes me want to kis-"

"Elsa," he cuts me off.

"Sorry I'm rambling again. I do that a lot I know. It's just that every time you touch me, or even look at me, I get breathless. And what makes it even worse is that I want it-"

It takes me a few seconds to realize what happened. The only way that I can figure it out is the burning that ignites in my chest and causes a smile.

He kissed me.

I jerk back only to give in again.

"I want you," he whispers against my lips. "I shouldn't, but I do."

"I shouldn't either," I reply as his hand runs down to the small of my back and pulls me into him closer. There's not any space at all between us but I feel like I want to be closer to him. He's so cold and welcoming and in his embrace I feel every little worry slip away like sand through my fingers. Our bodies move together perfectly, fitting like two pieces to the most beautiful puzzle. This feeling erupting inside me is incomparable to any happiness or joy I've ever felt. I can't even describe the way my skin feels when his fingers trace the stitching up my dress.

Wind ruffles our surroundings, peacefully at first but gradually picking up. "I think we should head back before we get caught." Jack whispers with a grin, glancing at the brilliantly lit glowing moon. I agree and just hardly as we touch down in front of my cabin we are crowded with people.

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