Chapter 25 part 2

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(So for some reason it wouldn't let me continue writing the last chapter so here's the rest of it!


"I don't care what happens to her anymore. Don't you see? I've overcome my feelings towards her and now only work for power, not pleasure." Hans hisses.

"You're a monster." I mutter harshly under my breath.

"Maybe I am; but if there's one thing I've learned from this incredible rise to power is that you can't win the game by playing fair." He says.

"What are you going to do to Elsa?" I change the subject when I see flashes of bright lights outside. Oh no..

"I'll tell her to go outside, chain you down, and execute you. But just before you're dead, I'll snap her memories back just long enough for her to see what she's done. Then, I'll kill her myself."

"Why?" my voice breaks. "Why are you doing this?"

"After what you guys did to me, I deserve revenge." he grunts.

"We did nothing! It's just Pitch's soul.." I trail off as my mind begins to race. I need to somehow separate his possessed soul from his body- but how? The Teller knows. Astrid knows.

"Don't pretend like you know anything." Hans snaps before straightening when Elsa returns. I don't dare to risk a glance at her.

"Elsa, love," Hans says.


"Execute this one too."

"Yes, master."

Was that hesitance in her voice?

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