Chapter 17

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"Let me get this straight," Finnick speaks slowly. "Jack killed Pitch, who then somehow is now acting as a 'passenger' inside of Hans?"

"And Elsa's also a guardian now." Rapunzel adds and Scorpio's face falls.

"Don't you have to, like, die to become a guardian?" he questioned, shock and confusion lacing his words.

"Yeah, she did die. Well, Jack died first but then Elsa made a deal with the moon to trade his life for hers sort of. They both died but are both now.. alive." I attempt to explain the startling events, stuttering as I continue.

"I told you we shouldn't have allowed them two to go off on their own." Finnick told Ace who just blew him off.

"Oh come on, Hans is just an arrogant Calor that thinks he's all that, but it will pass. He'll get better, I'm sure." Ace shrugged.

"Ace, I don't think you understand just how ruthless Hans is." I say, looking to Astrid who just nods.

"How so?" He asks me.

"When Elsa and Pitch had both died, Jack was kneeling next to her broken hearted and Hans sent his men in to drag them apart from each other for the enjoyment of watching. Jack had watched her die and Hans wanted to horrify him even more by taking her away from him just so he could be entertained. I don't think you understand how distressed and broken Jack looked..." Rapunzel explains dramatically. "He found joy in darkness. I fear he's too far gone for it to be a Calor 'phase'."

I nod along with her.

"So you think sending you guys off alone will solve the problem?" Scorpio says.

"Yes," I say honestly. "We've got knowledge, bravery, and winter. We're only missing heat but we don't need that. We're unstoppable," I add.

"You'll get yourselves killed." Finnick plainly states.

"So, what, you say we stay here and endanger the lives of every single camper when all Hans wants is revenge on Elsa? How does that make sense?" I defend and see Scorpio find sense in my words.

"This is our battle, Ace. We chose to fight it, not you. You can't stop us and you can't help us either." Rapunzel told him as it is, yet when she said it, it sounded like a polite request.

"Don't say more," I say. "we have to do this."

Before any of them could object, we board our dragons and shoot into the sky.


"Keep a close eye out for Hiccup and Rapunzel," Flynn says and we all nod. They should be back soon, they've been gone for what seems like forever.

We set up camp in a small vacant cave like an hour ago and they still haven't returned.

Almost as if my thoughts queued an entrance, the sound of deep rumbles and flapping wings chopped the silence in half. We all turn to the mouth of the cave as they jump off the beasts and greet us.

"What took ya so long?" Merida questioned the three of them. Will Astrid be staying with us?

"Ace was being difficult." Hiccup commented.

"No surprise there," I say and Jack, who sits directly next to me, chuckles in agreement. They told us of Scorpio's doubts and Finnick's remarks but we just did our best to ignore the truth behind some of it. A band of misfits, we are.

But sometimes that's the best kind of group.

The ones that aren't expected to win.

"Well, we've prepared dinner," Merida shrugged it off. She proved herself to be amazing when she built a bow/arrows made of sticks and string, then hunted down a deer and practically cooked it herself. These people never cease to amaze me.

"I should be going." Astrid says lightly.

"Why?" Punzie asks her, seeming to have gotten to know her a bit on their adventure.

"I'm taking his spot as chief while Hiccup here has fun," she nudged him and he laughed.

"This was your idea," Hiccup shook his head. I find myself smiling at them two and Jack notices, kissing my cheek.

"Be safe," Astrid tells him.

"You too," Hiccup half smiles. "tell everyone I said hey." he adds and just then I begin to imagine him in a village full of Vikings and dragons. It's still weird.

They bid farewell and everyone begins eating, but I find Hans' words blocking my appetite.

"Elsa, you may be immortal now but I can still gain my revenge."

Is he going to hurt my friends? What if he kills them? It's possible for him to kill me as well, but I'm afraid a quick death is out of the question.

"I'm going to go for a walk." I tell Jack quietly, not looking at him.

"Are you okay?" he asks me carefully and I nod through the pain of reality. I don't allow myself to speak, knowing that I will just cry if I do. "Let me come with you," he holds my hand for a brief second but I shake my head.

"No, it's okay." I tell him before disappearing out the mouth of the cave and finding myself under the canopy of tangled branches and starry skies.

I enjoy the silence and serenity, but consider myself foolish to think that such a moment would last.

"Your highness." I hear a venomous hiss and see my biggest fear looming over me.

"Hans, I never meant to hurt you," I hardly knew him and he wants to kill me for falling for Jack. Insanity.

"They never mean it, do they?" He says. "But stuff happens and people are ruined." Anger bleeds from each word and I shiver.

"I'm sorr-"

"Don't apologize. It won't change anything that I've planned out for you and your precious Frost."

(I've kind of gotten into the habit of just writing and publishing, but I will revise each chapter later! I'm just all caught up in each scene bc it's getting intense hehe 😊 comment and vote please, and thank you so much! 💙❄️


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