Chapter 20

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(Short chapter AGAIN I'm sorry! Forgive me!



"Honestly?" Flynn laughs. There's nothing here. We're on the tallest peak of the southern mountains and there's not a living thing in sight. Rolling snowy hills is the whole view and nothing else.

"We traveled over a day for no reason." Hiccup scoffs. "Why would Hans say that?"

I curse and my eyes widen. "He lied. He was trying to separate us.." I begin stuttering to explain. "the girls are in trouble." my heart drops and I summon an incredible amount of wind to shoot myself towards the cave, Flynn and Hiccup tumbling through the air behind me.

The trip is quick, much quicker than it was on foot, and in no time I'm crashing onto the ground and pounding through the entrance. My chest heaves as I take in scene.

"What happened?" I gasp for air when I see Merida and Rapunzel crying and everything awry. I don't even notice that Punzie's hair is chopped short until now. But.. where's Elsa?

Hiccup echoes my words as Flynn rushes to Rapunzel's side and worriedly attempts to calm her.
Merida begins explaining. "Hans and his men came while we were sleeping. They cut Rapunzel's hair, took my weapons, and.." she trails off and looks up at me from her spot on the ground nervously.

"And what?" I hiss and she rubs her nose with the back of her hand.

"They took Elsa."



Not. Again.

"We did everything we could, Jack." Brunette Rapunzel sniffs and I nod numbly.

Not again.

Not again.

I swear I'm going to go insane. I can't keep going through intense depression spurts like this.

"His voice wasn't his though.. Hans, I mean. It was deeper and a lot creepier." Merida says. "Like identical to Pitch's, I think."

"A-all he did was like snap and Elsa just suddenly obeyed his every command."

He's brainwashed her again.

Not again.

How messed up is my life that I have to say 'again'? What is he going to do to her, also?

"Yes," a familiar voice speaks from behind me and I jerk around to see Scorpio.

"Scorpio," Hiccup sighs with relief. "Hans took Els-"

"I know." Scorpio says dimly.

"How?" my voice breaks and I find comfort when he rests a hand on my shoulder.

"You're not going to like this, Frost." he frowns before breathing deeply. "Hans showed up at camp early this morning. He had Elsa with him; only she isn't herself. She almost killed me, in fact. He rolled up his sleeve to show a red slash that only could be caused by ice. "She was like a robot- doing whatever Hans asked without questioning. And like little red told you, Hans is possessed in a sense. Pitch is 'passengering' in his body entirely now."

"No," I mutter and hold my head in my hands. I jerk back from his touch.

"Jack, we'll get her ba-"

"No. I'm done. I'm done with this game! I can't deal with this anymore!" I throw my hands up in the air as my rage radiates in freezing cold ice.

"What are you saying, Jack? You're going to forget her?" Scorpio questions and I huff.

"No, I couldn't ever forget her." I say.

"Then what are you saying?" Merida asks.

"I'm saying I'm not playing his game anymore." I say.

"Well I think you may want to see what message Hans delivered." Scorpio tells me.

"How could I see it?" I snap and he holds up a small orb.

"With this." He drops it on the ground and after a small spark, a hologram shines from the ground. Life size figures light up in front of us and I feel my heart wrench as I process it.

Hans stands in the center with Elsa on his right hand side. Her face is completely flat and I can't read her expression at all. She looks empty.

"Greetings my fellow campers. It's me, Prince Hans. I know many of you may think me to be a villain but I am far from it. You see, I'm cleansing the lands of its imperfections along side your beloved hero, Elsa. If she sides with me, shouldn't you?" and with that it shuts off.

"Are people believing this?" Flynn asks wide eyed.

"Some, yes." Scorpio says through his teeth. "Most everyone looks up to her since she's a queen and a Frigus. Some are thinking about joining him in his 'cleansing' act. All he'll really do is eliminate those who don't agree with his sick rules."

"What do we do?" Hiccup voices and Scorpio looks at him.

"I don't know what we can do." he tells him.

"I know." I darkly grunt before stalking out of the cave.

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