Chapter 23

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I have to admit, my heart sunk a little when we came upon Hans' camp.

Astrid breathes in quickly before glancing at me. She notices my apprehensive frown and kisses me swiftly. "I'll be fine," she says before bolting down the path towards his camp. Stormfly attempts to follow but I hold her back.

"It's okay, girl." I whisper to her but I find it hard to comfort someone when you're in need of comfort yourself.

"What do we do now?" Rapunzel asks, resting her hand on my shoulder in attempts to calm me down.

"I guess we wait."


I find my way to what I think is Hans' place. No one even questions me as I walk by, which I find strange. I'm a Viking walking through a camp of royalty (well, most of them are royalty, anyway). Teens are scattered across the whole clearing and tents are pitched practically everywhere. How they set this up so quickly, I don't know.

I see an incredible flash of blue light and guess that's Elsa over there, behind a teepee looking tent. I make my way towards it trying to act nonchalant but it's hard. The heat filling the air is distressing and uncomfortable.

I can do this. I glance around before stepping through the flaps and finding myself in the presence of just who I'd hoped for. I know it's him.

"Who are you?"

"Astrid." I answer plainly.

"What are you doing here?" He stands and I feel Elsa's presence behind me. Crap.

"I'm here for my friends." I lie. "I hear you're holding them captive."

"I'm doing no such thing." Hans smirks. "But if you're truly one of them, then I think we've got a cell open for you." perfect. "Elsa, would you take her there?"

"Yes," Elsa voices before grabbing me by the arm and dragging me from the room.

"Let go," I yank my arm back but continue to follow.

Eventually we come upon the 'jail' and she opens the door with the wave of her hand. Immediately as we step in, the cold air rushes to meet me and I find the teller almost instantly. She sits cross legged on the floor of the icy cell, her incredibly long black hair tumbling off her incredibly skinny back and shoulders.

Elsa leads me to the cell across from her and locks me in quickly.

"Jack's coming to save you." I say.

"He means nothing to me," she mutters before exiting the room.

"You're one of her friends, yes?" the lady's voice cracks through the completely still air.

"I am." I say, watching the back if her. I'm curious as to why she won't turn around until she does- there's a slash of stitch work where her eyes should be. I almost cringe.

"You're here to ask me how to stop Hans," she mutters.

"H-how did you know that?" I tilt my head.

"I know it all, Astrid." she half smiles, leaning her back against the wall and directing her face-less face at me. How does she know my name?

This just got really weird really fast.

"How do I do it?" I ask.

"You can't, dear." she starts. "You can't."

"Then who can?" I say. There's more to this story then just an easy kill.

"To be able to beat your enemy, you must know him first. But it is hard to kill a man that you've come to know." she breathes.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I squint and shake my head, utterly confused.

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