Chapter 24

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(Thanks so much for all the lovely comments as support, you guys are awesome! Hope you enjoy the chapter :) there's a lot of secrets to this one so if you're a little confused, you won't be for long!



"The signal! Astrid is signaling!" Hiccup announces quickly, causing all of us to rush to our feet and hurry to our previously designed places. We may have enhanced the plan a little but hopefully Astrid just goes with it.

I watch Hiccup leap onto the back of his dragon and shoot up in the air, aiming towards the jail. He hesitates for a moment and I can see why- if he misses, there will be casualties. "Ready, Toothless," I hardly hear. I see the dragon look up at him as if to say 'are you crazy?" But Hic doesn't budge. Toothless opens his mouth and I see a spark before a streak of light shoots directly at the desired target. A sigh of relief sweeps through our group but we all know this is no time to rest.

"Stormfly, now!" Hiccup directs and the other dragon heads straight for the new hole in the makeshift prison. Smoke clouds our view and there's a few moments of tense silence before the triumphant dragon bursts through the veil.

But that's when a lasso-like rope follows close behind; they're trying to capture Astrid and Stormfly now.

I leap towards her and use all my might to slash the line in half, severing the string swiftly. Thick, gray air obscures my vision and I find myself behind enemy lines.

Astrid is safe, as are the rest of my friends- but I'm far from it I'm afraid. In a heroic act, I threw myself in the worst possible place.


"We have to go after Jack!" I call, dashing after him only to have a heaving Astrid pull me back.

"Don't," she huffs. "it has to happen."

"What?" I look at her.

"The teller told me all this stuff.. and- and it involved Jack doing this." she explains.

"Tell us everything she told you!" Rapunzel says eagerly and Astrid nods. I glance over my shoulder and frown as the gray smoke billows begin to clear up and Jack is no where to be seen. I hope he's okay.

"She said a lot of random quotes that all seemed creepy, like 'winners write history' and 'a body without a soul is dead'. She told me only Jack or Elsa can stop Hans because a prophecy stated that the cold will end him. He brainwashed Elsa and is hoping to use her as leverage with Jack, sort of." She explains, stumbling over her words.

"So there's nothing we can do?" Merida chimes.

"I'm afraid so," Astrid mutters.

"We just have to watch?" I sigh and she nods slightly.


"How will Jack know how to stop Hans/Pitch?" Flynn asks.

"The teller said she'd find a way." Astrid shrugs, all of is utterly confused and terrified of what's to come.


"Frigus!" I hear a voice cry out.

"What?" I snap. "No way, it can't be!" I stand from my chair and stalk towards the entrance of my tent. "He's way ahead of schedule!" I huff. Elsa rushes after me and I feel her chill clashing with my heat as she follows closely.

"What do we do?" she asks.

"We end him once and for all." I say darkly.

The teller told me Jack wouldn't come for like a week- I was planning on being prepared for his attack by then but it looks like that's not the case at all. She lied?

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