Chapter 21

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"We can't just find them, master. It's harder than it sounds. They could be anywhere in Aora. Maybe if you returned Elsa's memo-" A Calor, Rixon, tells Hans. I glance at him to see an unpleased expression plastering his features.

"I don't care if you have to search the whole world! Find them on your own!" Hans cuts him off and pounds his fist on the metal table. I jump at his sudden rage.

"Who are they looking for?" I ask him after the guards exit the tent.

"The ones that are trying to use you. They want your power, Elsa. They lied to you and made you think that they were your friends." Hans frowns and rests a hand on my shoulder comfortingly.

"Oh," I mutter and feel frustration build up inside of me. "them." He looks into my eyes momentarily and I feel a memory resurface.

I see Frost talking to me lovingly. However his smile shifts from friendly to evil in seconds and he pins me to the wall. As I struggle for breath, the others enter the scene and laugh.

"She believed us the whole time." Hiccup smirks.

"Why would we want to be her friend?" Merida chuckled.

"You listen to me, Elsa. You are to do as I say without questioning, okay?" Jack grins and I see my vision begin to fade.


There. I give her fake memories, she'll continue to have fake hatred for the guardian and his friends.

I watch as she experiences a painful hallucination and laugh to myself.

She deserves this for hurting you.

The voice in my head speaks and I feel my mood shift according to it's words.

Yes she does.

She hurt me.

"Elsa?" I force fake concern when I see her begin to overcome the memory.

"Hans?" she frowns nervously.

"What's wrong?" I play dumb.

"Nothing, I just.. just remembered something." she mutters. I watch as she watches the ground attentively, sadness coating her soft features that I once found so perfect and captivating- until she ruined me. I lift her chin up to my face. I still like her a lot, which is my problem. I fear the voice inside of my head wants me to kill her soon.

"Don't worry," I say. Maybe I can use new Elsa the way I wanted to weeks ago. "I'm here for you." I add before kissing her.

This is what I wanted.

She hesitates at first but doesn't pull back. I pull her into me and grin to myself, ignoring whatever nonsense the words in my head are spouting.


"Jack, what's your plan?" I ask my enraged best friend.

"Kill Hans?" he chops and I cut him off by stepping in front of him.

"You need to think this through." I say. He attempts to step beside me and continue onwards but I shadow his move. "Listen to me. I understand your upset and you have every right to be- but blindly storming his camp, which we haven't found yet, and attempting to kill him won't work."

"Why not?" he huffs.

"Because he's powerful. You'll only get yourself killed." I fold my arms and speak quieter as the rest of our group passes us by and continues onward, probably knowing I need to talk some sense into him alone.

"So what if I get myself killed? Maybe I deserve that." he says.

"Do you hear yourself right now?" I scoff and he looks at the ground momentarily. His normally confident features are reserved and distant now. If we don't save Elsa, we don't save old Jack. New Jack is vengeful and broken.

"I do." he says. "I got myself killed, her killed, and now practically allowed her to be taken."

"You didn't 'allow her' to be taken. Hans tricked us all." I defend. He looks as though he's about to speak when Flynn's voice cuts through the air.

"Guys!" he shrieks and we bolt over the hill and find our companions face to face with a small group of Calor. Jack hardly has a second to process it before he launches himself at them and pounds his staff across the chest of a vaguely familiar guy.

Scorpio takes that as a call to action and tackles one, ignoring the heat emanating from her. Moments later, the other three Calor retreat like scared children, leaving the pinned girl under Scorpio.

"Why were they heading in this direction?" Rapunzel says.

"Why don't we ask this one?" Jack inputs and Scorpio nods.

"Good idea," he grins and stands up, leaving her on the ground. She glares at us intensely, not opening her mouth. "come on, girl. Speak." he says and she refuses.

"If you don't say something voluntarily I fear we may have to force you." Jack says and her eyes widen.

"Fine, fine," she mutters. "we were searching for you guys."

"How did you know where we are?" I ask.

"We didn't know, we were just a search party. Once we found your camp, we were told to report back to our masters-"

"Masters?" Jack emphasizes and she nods, sitting up slowly and wincing as she did.

"Hans and Elsa."

I see him shudder and turn away from the group for a few seconds as reality continued to crush him.

"They were planning on sending an army to terminate you because.." she trails off and looks as though she knows she's said too much.

"Because?" Merida urges.

"Because Jack Frost is the only one that can end this." she bites her lip.

"How?" Scorpio interrogates.

"Some prophecy a teller gave him. Something about cold being his end. That's one reason he brainwashed Elsa, plus he just likes her." she shrugs and Jack heaves, attempting to hide his anger.

"How do I end him?" Jack manages to speak in a somewhat calm manner.

"How should I know?" the Calor snaps. "Only Vye knows that."

"Who's 'Vye'?" I ask and she looks at me flatly.

"The teller. She knows all," she chides sassily, blinking her hauntingly scarlet eyes as if it was obvious.

"Where can I find her?" Jack asks.

"I'm not telling you." she hisses but Jack is at her throat in seconds.

"Speak." he grunts and she nervously spouts out an answer.

"At our camp. Hans is holding her captive as his own servant. She's in his prison and it's impossible to speak to her without getting caught."

"Maybe that's the answer." Scorpio looks at Jack who seems to be thinking the same thing as him.

"What is?" Rapunzel asks.

Jack takes the opportunity to answer her question and I'm not sure I like it.

"Getting caught."

(What do you guys think about Hans' point of view??😏 Did you like this chapter?? I'd love to hear your thoughts! I wrote this quickly so I apologize for any mistakes!


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