Chapter 27

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"Hiccup!" Astrid voices from behind me, Stormfly struggling to keep up with me and my companion. Toothless glances at me, questioning my plan, but I ignore him and guide. I search all over the camp, however the gradually dimming sky light is making it difficult. Toothless is dark enough to camouflage us hopefully, and in praying no one takes notice of the vibrant deadly knadder gliding over their site.

"Just stay close," I tell her, attempting to keep my instructions quiet but firm. I know she likes to have control over the plan but I know what I need to do.

I guide my dragon towards the cells and find the teller to be out of sight. After touching down to the ground, I jump off of Toothless and pet him assuringly. "I'll be back, bud." I say and he leans into my hand, rumbling with unease. Astrid does the same before bolting off towards my desired destination. She figured out my plan so easily..

Well, I guess she did teach me just about everything I know when it comes to raiding villages.


"You remember?" I gasp, struggling to reach her as she collapses to the ground momentarily.

"Y-yes, I.." she looks up at me dazedly, her innocent eyes wide as all the horrific realizations begin to dawn on her. "it's all hazy, though.."

"Let me go," I gesture to the chains quickly and she numbly does just that, rushing into my arms when I'm free. Her hands hold onto my sweatshirt and she buries her face in my chest. I hold her close, feeling the void beginning to close again.

"Jack," she mutters moments later.

"What?" I ask as she looks up at me slightly.

There's a moment of hesitance before she quietly questions me. "How many people did I kill?" she softly whispers, the first of many tears breaking free. My heart shatters at her distress.

"Don't do this to yourself, El." I whisper. She pushes away from me.

"Do what? Ignore that I killed dozens of innocent people?" She snaps.

"You know that's not what I meant," I say, a piece of my heart jerking back along with her.

"What did you mean then?" she says.

"Elsa," I sigh. This is going to be difficult. "we have to get out of here." before she can speak, Astrid and Hiccup flip into the room, axe and fire sword ready. They both ease up when they see the casual situation but can feel the tension, most likely.


"Don't worry about it. We need to go," I say.

"What's the plan?" Hiccup asks.

"We don't have one." I respond.

"Well looks like we'll have to improvise," Hiccup tilts his head before dashing out the way he came in.

We all shoot after him and Astrid explains what the teller told her but none if it seems to be of much use except for the last part.

Elsa or I have to kill him.

"Here's the plan," Hiccup halts us just before we reach main camp, beckoning is to stay hidden in the trees with him. "Elsa, you continue the act of having lost memories and you drag Jack in with you. You 'killed him' okay?"

She frowns and looks at me, her previous outburst distancing us a little in a horrible way.

"Okay," she says.

"From there, you have to somehow find a way to kill him, but it has to be with this dagger or else you will be put under a curse that could kill you." He grabs a blade from Astrid and hands it to her, but I can see the disgust in her eyes at the thought of killing more people.

"Let's just get this over with," I huff.

"Good luck." Hiccup says to us. Astrid nods before adding on.

"You're going to need it."

(Quick update! Thanks for all the lovely comments and votes everyone, it means a lot. I'm sorry if I haven't responded to your messages or posts yet but I hopefully will eventually! I apologize for any errors in this chapter but I don't want to go back and fix it right now haha(: I hope you enjoyed it! And ps, if you don't enjoy my story please don't waste your time commenting rude things about it..


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