Chapter 15

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(I haven't revised this chapter yet either, sorry! Comment if you want me to continue the story after this chapter or leave it as is :)



"I've beat you before, Jack." Pitch says deeply as me and my new (or old) friend Jack walk into the large room. He turns to us, revealing his healed scars.

"You're no match for me when I'm focused." Jack challenges and just as he says it my heart stops.

Oh no. If Jack really loves the old me like he says...

I see his golden eyes slowly light up. "You're correct, I cannot beat you while you're so positive, can I? Maybe I need to spice things up a bit." He turns to me and Jack tenses before sending a gust of wind to push me away. I fall to the ground, hundreds of yards from him.

Pitch Black snaps and all the memories come rushing back. Arendelle, the beach, camp, everything- and I'm afraid it's only because my execution is planned soon.

I remember it all.

I stumble to my feet and run towards him only to pound into a clear ice wall that Jack had risen. He meets me halfway, and crouches down to a similar position that I'm in. "I love you, I always will." his voice is muffled but clear enough for me to understand. He just says that, laying his hand against the glass and I place mine where his is,

or was. I look up, the only sign that he was kneeling right there being the icy hand print. My heart is ripped from my chest when I discover Pitch Black throwing him into the wall. Jack puts up a little fight, trying to freeze a hand or a foot, but he's too exhausted and injured to do anything.

"Jack!" My voice comes out as a horrible screech. All the dreams I've had that I never told Jack about except for that one time; They're all coming true right now. It's suddenly made clear- not dreams, they were a glimpse of what was to come. My vision blurs as I helplessly watch my boyfriend be flung around like a rag doll. He was already close to collapsing and now he's almost unconscious. "Jack!" I wail again, pounding the glass as hard as I can. I pause when Pitch sweeps up to me with a sick smirk, the only thing between us being this thick transparent wall. I look to see a broken Jack in his hand, limp and lifeless. His once so beautifully pail skin now a cold gray and his brilliant eyes are closed. Scarlet liquid decorates his face and hands and seeps from the claw-like slashes in his sweatshirt.

He's dead.

"No," I gasp, however I only mouth the words. My voice refuses to work. It's unlike any pain I've felt before. I've dealt with so much sadness and loss in my life, yet it never felt this fatal. When my parents died, surely I was depressed for years and years; but I hardly got to know them. When I nearly killed young Anna, I was scared out of my mind.

But this simply broke me.

"How does this feel?" Pitch tilted his head with a sinister grin when he notices the intended effect. "It hurts, yes?"

"You monster! How could you kill him? He never did anything to hurt anyone and you killed him!" I curse at him repeatedly, venom lacing each of my words thickly. "I hate you!"

"Master!" Hans' voice interrupts and Pitch spins around. I can tell he's still wigged out from being beaten by a frying pan but he's doing his best to endure it.

"What now!?" Pitch hisses.

"Intruders. More campers,"

So they made it to the Calor's room...

"Ugh, I'm coming." he groans before glancing at me. "This isn't over. Ill be back shortly after I deal with your friends." He walks out of the door on Jack's side, shutting it loudly behind him.

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