(Short chapter because I wanted to update before my first day of school! (Wish me luck😒😁) I can possibly update again tonight when I get home bc next chapter they will put the plan into action and I can't wait :) can you?
"Are you sure about this, Jack?" I ask him and he nods.
"I'm sure." he says to me.
"Well, alright then. I'll call for Astrid," I pull out my whistle and blow through it, praying to the Gods that Toothless or Stormfly hear it. "They should be here soon. Until then, we need to plan better." I say to the group and everyone nods.
"So far, we know we need to get into his camp, get one of us captured, find some sort of signal to inform the others when they finish speaking to the teller, then rescue Elsa somehow, then kill Hans." Merida explains in the most complex run on sentence I've ever heard.
"Pretty much." I bite my lip.
"This is a suicide mission." Rapunzel chuckles and Flynn joins in. "Who's going to get captured?"
"We can't have Jack do it, 'cos if Hans spots him he'll just kill him on sight." Merida says.
"Leave the rescuing Elsa to me." Jack mutters and none of us dare to defy his rule. He's scary when he's upset. We know he'd never hurt any if us but he becomes like the calm feeling before a storm- distant but intimidating. Like the smallest disruption will just make him crack.
"Okay, so who's the one getting temporarily thrown in his prison?" I ask.
"I will," Scorpio says. "I doubt he'd recognize me."
"I can do it." I hear a familiar voice speak behind me. I turn and see Astrid standing between Stormfly and Toothless. Even though I just recently saw them, I feel the ache in my chest disappear.
"Morning, milady." I grin. I say as she walks up to me. She grabs the collar of my shirt and pulls me into a kiss which is soon disrupted by Flynn's whistle. I laugh and pull away a little. "And you're not going to prison."
"Maybe it's smart if she does." Merida says.
"What?" I look at her.
"Well Hans doesn't know her. Maybe she can get away with it," She says to me and I hate that what she's saying makes sense. I don't want Astrid to be harmed at all, let alone captured. "We'll save her after, of course."
"I can do it, Hiccup. I wrangled a dragon for gods' sakes." she chuckles.
"Okay, okay, fine." I nod. "But be careful."
"I will be." she nods.
"So Astrid gets captured, gets information, then can signal out the window to Hiccup who'll be on his dragon. She can use like a reflective shard of some sort to shine a light, or something." Rapunzel starts.
"Then I'll blow a hole right through the cell and Stormfly will come to your rescue. We have to act quickly after that because they'll know we're coming," I continue. "we'll meet you guys on the outskirts of camp, fill you in, then go from there?" I say.
"It's a horrible plan, really." Flynn smirks.
"But what choice do we have?" Rapunzel looks at him and he nods slowly.
"It just sounds to easy." He remarks and I have to agree.
"Well, I guess we should start the plan in the early afternoon-" Merida begins but Jack cuts her off.
"No. That's too far away. Who knows what he'll do to Elsa by then."
"But, Jack-"
"I don't care. We put the plan into action now." He says before striding in the direction the Calor came.
"You ran away!?" I growl at the three Calor in front of me.
"We're a search party, not an ambush party." one girl mutters.
"Excuse me?" I stand. "You don't tell me what you're to do. Now, since you let our enemies get away I can not trust you anymore. I'm afraid your lives are no longer valuable to me. Elsa, take this girl to the prison- it looks like she actually put up a fight so she can live." I point at Aria. "Take these two outback and kill them."
"Yes, Prince Hans." Elsa nods and stands. I listen through the thin flaps of our tent as she lines up the two traitor Calor. They plead for forgiveness but she gives none- I didn't order it, after all.
Three, two, one.
A flash of icy light and the worried cries are silenced forever.
As is the innocence of the young ice queen.

Dark (Big Six)
FanfictionThe big six- plus a few other well known characters- meet at a summer camp created to help gifted teens prepare to protect the ungifted. Jack, Flynn, Hiccup, Merida, Rapunzel, Elsa, and Hans are separated into companies according to their talents; b...