Chapter 12

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I look around the camp sight, ignoring the glances as people watch me assist in dragging Jack to our cabin. He's hardly been back for 24 hours and he's already been mobbed by crazy fangirls or angry Calor like 17 times. Since Elsa and I have been with him constantly, we've been mobbed as well. I even had one girl attempt to kiss me.

One day, you're just two dudes, then boom- one of you is sent on a quest and the whole camp loves you. It's like.. weird. I've gotten used to the fans because of my heroic actions in Berk, but since then I haven't been known by much anyone here. I can't imagine how annoyed Jack is if I'm only his best friend and I'm slightly annoyed already.

Back home, all someone would have to see was Toothless or Astrid and know I would be close by; but here I was not very well known by anyone- until now, of course.

"Did Pitch mention when he would attack?" I ask him and he shrugs.

"No," he started. "he just said that I need to 'warn my friends'."

"That's settling." I smirk and he agrees.

"Hiccup," Elsa says my name and I turn to her. "do you think we can stop him?"

"Yeah. There's no way we can lose," I say confidently.

"See, Jack? We can." She says to him. Jack frowns a little.

"I never said we couldn't fight him. I said we shouldn't," he defends. "plus, Hicc is overly optimistic about everything." he chuckles and I join him.

"And why's that?" I speak up, dismissing the second part with a grin.

"I've seen what he can do." Jack weakly says and I feel bad for him. I never thought about what he must have faced. He and Elsa traveled to the worst villain of all time's hideout and lost his only power to save her. I would've done the same for Astrid surely, or even Merida.

"Well, yeah but we have to try."

"I'm not saying we don't try, I'm saying we avoid violence as much as possible." Jack says and we agree. We turn the corner and continue the vacant forest pathway towards my cabin.

"What wise words." a new voice joins. Jack and Elsa freeze and I turn to see the Pitch Black waiting patiently.

"Speak of the devil," I grunt and he chuckles.

"Watch it, Viking boy." he snaps and I stand down a bit before plotting ways to reason with him. I come up with nothing, thinking back to words my father had shared with me.

'People who kill without reason can't be reasoned with.'

The truth of it all hits me now. There's no smooth speaking my way out of this one.

"You look so dull without your frost, boy." he grins at the lifeless looking Jack.

"Give his powers back." Elsa hisses and I see Jack tense.

"No. Actually, I want yours too."

"Who do you think you are?" a voice hisses and it takes me seconds to identify it as my own.

"The future ruler of the world." he grins

(Sorry for the short chapter but I'm out of town for the week! updating may be a bit slower, sorry! pleaser comment and messages bc I really love it!! BTW: I changed my user from @jelsa_foreverr to @Dream_Disney! thx guys :)


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