Chapter 27: The Veela

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"Why the fuck is that scumbag back?" Theresa Greenburg said vividly to Elizabeth Drake.

They were both in the Room of Requirements, waiting for Sofia and Holland. Theresa was angry. So angry she could go burn Dumbledore's beard only to make him expell that wanker. She had arrived first, right after Holland sent them the message; it had never happened before, Theresa was always late. But she needed to see her friend right away.

"I mean, Dumbledore would have never let him come back after a few months! He almost raped a girl, he can't be here! Not so close to her. Why didn't her get any consequences? Holland is the one suffering from all this, it's not fair!" Theresa added, walking in front of Elizabeth.

"I can't answer, Tess", Elizabeth said, sitting on the armchair. "But can you please stop walking? It's making me dizzy."

The Ravenclaw sighed, before finally sitting down on a sofa. She sat there in silence for a few seconds, before glancing at her watch impatiently. She sighed once again; Holland had contacted them twenty minutes before. She should be there. So did Sofia.

Theresa sat on the edge of the couch and put her face on her hands.

"I'm scared for Holland", Theresa muttered. "I mean, she had barely gotten over it. And now, he's back? That wasn't supposed to happen. I thought we'd never see him again."

"Yeah, I'm worried about her too", Elizabeth said, eyeing Theresa with her green eyes. "Because if after that, he succeeded in coming back to Hogwarts, well it pretty much means weans we can't touch him. We can't do a thing against him."

Theresa nodded, raising her head. She stuck the edge of her thumb between her pink lips, and began to chew on her nail. It was a bad habit she had, and was trying to stop. But in that moment, she didn't care one second.

The door opened with a creak, and both girls turned around. Sofia entered the room, her brown eyes wide open.

"Is it true? Is Pucey really back?"

"I don't have more details than you do"' Elizabeth answered while Sofia took a seat "But I don't see why it wouldn't be true. Holland disappeared the whole day."

Sofia shook her head, jaw clenched, and sat beside Theresa.

"I can't believe this", Sofia groaned.

"I know, I can't figure out why did Dumbledore let that son of a bitch in", Elizabeth said, to everyone's surprise.

"I can't believe you just swore", Theresa said, a tiny smile appearing on her soft features.

"Well, he FUCKING deserved it!" she added.

Sofia and Theresa couldn't help but smile. The situation was awful, but to see Lizzy swear, it was quite a phenomenon.

The door opened once again, and the three friends promptly got up. Holland entered the room, breathless, her brown and pink hair stuck into a messy bun. She had no makeup on, and her face was as pale as Nearly Headless Nick.

Theresa immediately joined her, and engulfred her into a thight, bear hug. She caught a fresh scent of strawberries, just like Holland's shampoo. 

Holland pulled Theresa closer to her, and Theresa suddently felt like her friend would crush her bones. But it didn't matter.

Theresa pulled away, and Elizabeth and Sofia hugged Holland.

When they all pulled away, Holland gazed at them, and shrugged.

"He's back", she announced, her eyes suddently filling with tears.

"When did you see him?" Sofia asked.

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