Chapter 9

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Cereza's POV

Jason and I walked happily to class. We passed Brianna and the look on her face said it all. I don't know why she's jealous of me, but she needs to find her own man. I sat down next to Penelope. She leaned over and whispered in my ear.

"If Brianna gives me another dirty look, I swear, I just might kill her." She says.

"Hmph, not before I do." I said. "Which one of us do you think is going to kill her first?" Penelope asks.

"Let's see which one of us she temps first." I say.

"She's doing an awful lot for someone she can't have." Penelope says. "Like, honestly!" I said.

First period went pretty good. I always did have a little fun first period.

Today was fun. It was just a regular school day, but I was laughing all day. Not even Brianna messed with me. Seems suspicious, but hopefully I won't have to deal with it later.

"Cereza, you ready to go?" Jason asked. "Yeah." I say gathering my stuff. Jason walked back to his car and continued to get my stuff.

Once I had all my stuff I walked towards the doors. As I was walking, I tripped on something and fell, dropping all my stuff.

I managed to hurt my knee in the process.

"Fuck!!" I shout. That hurt like hell! I sit up and grip my knee. Hissing in pain, I flex my knee, making sure nothings broken.

"Oh, did I do that? I didn't see you there. It's not like you have much presence, so it's not like I could notice you." Brianna said as she steps form behind the wall.

Really? The whole day, she couldn't leave me alone for one day?

I smacked my lips. "You seem to be doing it just fine." I said. "Only cause I felt something disgusting touch my shoe." She said grimacing.

"Brianna, come on. We cannot keep doing this." I said.

"You know how we can fix that? Just give up now." Brianna said.

"Brianna, Jason is my boyfriend!" I exclaimed.

"Do you honestly think I care?" She asked.

"Why are you doing this?" I ask.

"I told you. I want Jason for myself! You are stopping me from getting what I want, so get out of my way!" Brianna yelled getting in my face.

"Get the fuck out my face before I burn it off!" I screamed.

Brianna looked at me in shock.

"Cereza? Where are you? I've been waiting for 15 minutes!" I hear Jason calling for me. "You got to be kidding me." Brianna said. She gave me one more dirty look, then left.

"What happened? Why are you on the floor?" He asked worriedly.

As much as I wanted to tell him it was Brianna, I do not want to deal with the drama, but that bitch got it coming to her.

Ooh, that bitch has it coming to her.

"Someone tripped me." I lie. "Who!? Where they at, I got something for them." He said looking around.

"I don't know they ran off when they heard your voice." I said.

"Come on, I'm going to take you home." He tells me.

Jason helps me me up, and takes me home. My Mom isn't home, but she trusts me when me and Jason are alone together.

I'm glad she isn't home though, I don't need her worrying over me.

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