Chapter 5

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Cereza's POV

After I got out the shower, Penelope got in. I put on my pajamas and lie down on my little area on the floor and wait for Penelope to get out.

When she gets out, we decide to go to sleep. As I sleep, I dream of Jason. He was telling me something, but I couldn't hear him.

Then he smiled at me and started to lean in. Sadly before we kissed, I woke up. I was staring at the ceiling.

It took me a while to realize I'm not dreaming anymore. I was pissed. That was a good dream!

Just one time. One time, even in my dreams, let us kiss! I think back to the first day of school, when I bumped in to Jason without knowing it was him. I remember how I described his looks. He was so fine and still is.

I get up from my spot on the floor, and went to the kitchen. On my way there, I passed by a mirror hanging on the wall. I look at my reflection. My blue eyes worry me. I guess it's my permanent eye color now? I'll have to see a doctor about them.

Going into the kitchen, I see my Mom. "Morning Mom." I say to her. "Good morning Cereza, how ya feeling?" She asks.

"I'm okay. What are you doing up? You're like still passed out at this time." I say laughing because it's true.

"I decided to get up to take a walk. Oh, and I went to Panera. I got the egg soufflés you love so much." She said. I gasped. "THANK YOU MOMMY!!! I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!!" I scream.

"Also, I went to Tim Horton's and got you guys Cappuccinos and donut holes." Mom said. I could have fainted right then and there. My morning was complete.

"Go wake up Penelope so she can eat." Mom tells me. "Okay." I go upstairs and wake Penelope.

"Penelope, wake up!" I yelled. Well, I tried to wake her up. There are certain things that will wake her up. That's the 'bae' and food. Since her boyfriend isn't here, all I have is food.

"I got cappuccinos and donut holes from Tim Horton's and egg soufflés from Panera!" I say. I swear her ears perked up.

"Food?" She asks. "Yes!" I said moving out her way. She looked like Sonic the Hedgehog running down the stairs. I was a laughing mess.

Suddenly, I get a text message.

"You ready for tonight?" He asked.

"Yeah. My morning has been going great so far, hopefully tonight will too." I texted.

"Me too. Can I see what your dress looks like? PLEASE!!" He begged.

"No! It's a surprise." I texted.

"Can you give me a hint?" He asked x

"I'll give you two. It's black and it's simple. I leave that to your imagination." I text.

He really wants to see my dress, but it's nothing special. Just a simple black dress that was worth more than it looks. It was still cute though.

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