Chapter 30

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Diana's POV

Morning came all but slowly. I want to stay asleep, but I know I want to see my daughter. Even if she's asleep.

I open my eyes and squint a little at the sunlight that was coming in. I look to my side to see Kingston laying on his side with his back facing me. Kingston isn't really much of a snorer, but you could hear his heavy breathing. I turned back over to look at my clock on the table by my bed and it read: 8:32AM.

I sighed. Why am I up right now. Just cause the doctor said visiting hours start at 9AM, doesn't mean we have to be there at 9AM.

I figure we better get up anyways. Annabella and Rae have to get back home, Kingston has to get back to his kingdom, and Roxianne has to get back to the Elder's Palace.

I turn back to Kingston and shake him awake.

Kingston groaned. "No, Mom. Five more minutes, please. I promise I'll wake up in the next five minutes..." he said drifting back to sleep.

I smacked my lips. "Kingston, I am not your mother." I said. "Come on honey, wake up." I whined as I shook Kingston a little harder.

He only made a noise that can only be described as a grunt of annoyance or discomfort.

This man could honestly sleep through anything.

I got an idea. "Your majesty! Someone is attacking the kingdom!" I yelled in fake despair.

Kingston jumped out of bed. "READY THE WARRIORS! TELL THE GUARDS TO PROTECT THE KINGDOM AT ALL COST!! SOMEONE GET ME MY-" Kingston stopped as soon as he heard me laughing at him.

"My kingdom isn't under attack is it?" He asked. "No, but it was the only way I could wake you up. I'm sorry honey." I say giggling.

"You should never play with a King's kingdom. You're lucky I love you, so I'll let that slide." He said. I pulled Kingston into an embrace. "How did you sleep?" Kingston asked as he returned my embrace. "I could have slept better." I say.

"Yeah, I wish my sleep had been better too. Maybe it would have been better if we were sleeping in my bed." Kingston said. I rolled my eyes. "Haha, nice try, but you have a lot of work to do before I ever end up in your bed again." I said

"What am I supposed to do? Worship the ground you walk on?" Kingston asked jokingly. "Well, you see people do it for you everyday, so it shouldn't be that hard, now should it?" I asked looking at my nails.

"You must be joking." Kingston said. I laughed and Kingston breathed a sigh of relief. "I'm really not though. I expect extra special treatment for however long I see fit." I said.

Kingston groaned. "Wow, you're really lucky that I love you." He said. I giggled. "Come on, let's go see how our daughter is doing." I said heading for the bathroom that is connected to my room.

"What am I supposed to do about clothes?" Kingston asked. "Just wear the same one's you had on yesterday." I said. "No! That's disgusting!" Kingston exclaimed. I laughed. "Look your majesty, I don't know how they do it over there in your kingdom, but on earth, if nobody cares, we will wear the same shit the next day." I said patting Kingston on the shoulder.

Kingston looked like he was about to throw a fit. "Okay, your majesty, I won't make you wear the same clothes." I said rolling my eyes. Clothes magically appeared in my hands.

"Here." I said handing him the clothes. It was just a black t-shirt and a pair of jeans. "Thank you." Kingston said taking the clothes. "You're welcome. Let me go see if our sleeping beauties are up yet." I said leaving my room.

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