Chapter 39

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Cereza's POV

So, besides that little hiccup with Brianna, exam week was alright.

Finally! Summer break is here! I got to spend a couple days at home first, just to relax and catch up on some sleep, go on a date with Jason.

Now, it was time to go stay with my dad. I'm nervous, but excited!

"Okay, are you sure you have everything?" Mom asked. I was preparing to leave soon, so she wanted to make sure I didn't leave anything. I sighed. "Yes Mom, I do." I said.

I've never been away from my mom for longer than a week before. Being in the hospital for two weeks doesn't count because she could still come visit me. I guess the same could be said for right now too. Even though, I have the option of coming home early, I'm still going to miss her.

"I'm going to miss you, Mom." I said. "I know, I'm going to miss you too. But, I'll be a phone call away, if you need me." She said pulling me into a hug.

We hugged for a while before I finally let Mom go. I sighed again, "Okay, I'm ready to go." I say going to grab my things.

Mom opened a portal and I walk up to it. "Here I go...." I said nervously. I looked back at Mom. "I love you." I said. Mom smiled and said, "I love you too, babycakes."

I walked through the portal. The moment I stepped through the other side, I was instantly blinded by all the sunlight. "It is bright here." I said.

I waited till my eyes adjusted before looking up. Dad was standing there, in his royal attire.
Dad chuckled. "Not the first thing I expected to hear, but welcome to the Kingdom of Sparks, Princess!" He exclaimed.

I smiled. "Hi Daddy!" I exclaimed rushing to hug him. "Hi, my Princess!" He exclaimed holding his arms out wide. I gave my father a big hug. I missed him a lot. "Ready to spend some time with your old man?" He asked.
I rolled my eyes. "Dad, you're not old. If you're old, Mom's old, and my mother is not old." I said. Dad laughed.

"Yes, but we are older than you." He said lightly tapping me on the nose. I giggled. "So, what's on the agenda today?" I asked. "I've got the whole day planned out. First, I'll give you a tour of the kingdom, then a tour of the castle, next I'll show you where your room is, followed by a grand dinner!" Dad exclaimed.

"Sounds fun! But won't the people of the kingdom see me?" I asked. "Well, no, we'll be driven around the kingdom by my trusted driver. However, you're not a secret anymore Cereza, so it wouldn't be an issue if they see me with you. They just don't know who you are yet." He said.

"If you say so...." I said. "Princess, if it makes you more comfortable, we won't let anyone see you." Dad says. "Please? I just not ready to be seen yet." I said. "That's okay, Princess. Would you like to start the tour?" He asked.
"Yes." I answered. "Great!" Dad exclaimed. He grabbed my bags for me and led me to a black car parked behind us. "Will anyone recognize that it's you in this car?" I asked. "Oh, no princess. My royal car is white and is very recognizable. This car is for when I want to get out of the castle without being noticed. I couldn't risk being followed." He said. "Followed? Does someone have a hit out on you or something?" I asked nervously.

"Of course not! Well, I hope not, but that's beside the point. The press, I believe you call them "Paparazzi," They will follow me, and that combined with the citizens of the kingdom is a lot to take in in one day. I didn't want you to be overwhelmed." Dad said.

"We call them press too, but thank you for thinking ahead." I said. "You're welcome! As king, it's important to have some hindsight when it comes to these things." He said.

Dad signaled for his driver to pop the trunk. The driver did as told, and Dad began placing my bags in the trunk. "Oh, wait!" I exclaimed.

"What is it?" Dad asked freezing in his spot. I pointed inside the trunk, "That bag, I want to take that with me." I said. "Okay." He said grabbing my duffle bag with the proposal to the Elders in it. I don't think anyone will go through my bags, but I don't want to risk losing it, I feel more comfortable with it being with me. In addition to the proposal being in there, it also acted as a stand in for my purse.
With the last bag in the trunk, Dad shut it and walked around the car to open the door for me. "Thanks Dad." I said getting in. "You're welcome." He said getting in on the other side.

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