Chapter 1 The Four Sword

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"Hi!!!" Said Link.

"Hi, Link." Then you noticed Link... And Link... And Link... And... Link... What the fudgecakes?

"I'm Red!! This is Blue, Vio, and Green!"  said the Link in red.

The one wearing violet glanced up from his book. "Someone say my name?" He asked quietly.

"Li- I mean... Green, just how the hell did this happen?!" You snapped.

"Umm.. Well you see, _______ , I- heh - umm- " He was cut off by Blue.

"Green pulled out the Four Sword and got split into four..." Blue started.

" Blue" Vio began calmly, "Did you forget so easily the fact that Green also released the Wind Mage, Vatti, and other monsters, and demons into Hyrule, Not to mention Shadow Link, Due to the fact that it was Shadow Link who kidnapped Princess Zelda." Vio Stated, Still calmly, Not even bothering to look up from his book.

"Wha- NO! Not Vatti! And... What's a 'Shadow Link'?" you started asking Vio a bunch of rapid- fire questions.

Vio put one finger up as if to say ' let me finish this page, and I'll tell you all you need to know'

"What's a 'Shadow Link'?" you ask again, now impatience edging into your tone of voice.

Vio sighed. " The question is more ' Who is Shadow Link?' The answer being, obviously, our shadow, our living reflection in the dark world. But if you were looking for physical features, hmm... let's see... Dark purple hair, Eyes that range from blue, when he is calm, green, when he is sad, purple, when he is confused or unsure, and dark, glowing crimson red when he's angry. I think. He wears a black tunic, red belt with a gold buckle, almost white skin, and It's dark around his eyes. He also, like any normal shadow, has fangs, although, Shadow Link also acquires... claws, kind of when he's angry, but I believe he can also do this at his own will. He is extremely powerful, and also extremely dangerous." Vio answered, almost no emotion could be heard in his voice. " His only weakness is Light." 


You feel hands wrap around your waist.

"I think I'll keep her." A sinister voice says.

"L-link!!" You scream at Vio.

"LET HER GO, SHADOW!!!" Blue rages

"No... When I want something, I don't ask permission. I just take it. Later, bitches."

everything went black, muffling your screams for Link.

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