What It Feels Like To Wake Up Covered In Blood

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Vio's POV

When I  opened my eyes, it took me a minuet to remember what had happened.

I flinched as I felt something cold trickle down the back of my neck. I flexed my fingers and found they were covered in sticky, wet blood.

I pulled myself up in a sitting position, and realized that the cold something trickling down my neck was actually Violet wiping the blood off my face and neck with a wet wash-rag. 

"Well... Sleeping Beauty awakes." She said, a smile playing at her lips.

"Ugh. How long was I out?"

"About ten, fifteen minutes.'

"And your dad?"

"Dead. Bled to death. I'm not complaining, though."

"Heh. I doubted you would." My hair was all in my face, so I lifted up my arm to brush it out of my eyes                     . But I couldn't. A large twinge of pain in my shoulder prevented me.

"Sorry." Said Violet. "I patched it up, but I'm no doctor."

(Omg! if this took longer than i thought, then don' blame me. I't really hard to type when the space bar, backspace, 'a' and 'r' keep NOT WANTING TO WORK!!!)

"It's better than it was. At least I'm not gushing blood anymore."

"That's why you passed out. You're still white as paper. I thought for a second you'd DIED." She closed her eyes and a tear slid down her cheek.

"Don't ever do that again, Vio. Your pulse stopped for five minutes. You stopped breathing."


"You heard me. You died."

"But I'm still alive."

"Thanks to... I actually don't know. He looked like you... but his eyes... all black and bloody..."

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