Chapter 19

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New Addition to story.


Ben's PoV

If someone was there to screw with the Links, it was me.

I drew my sword and readied my shield, preparing to attack Link, but when i peeked out from behind the tree i was hiding behind, i noticed there were four of him, they were KIDS, no older than 14, and they all had their swords drawn.

So instead of attacking, i sheathed my sword and re attached my shield to the belt across my back and decided to scare the crap out of them.

I casually walked out from behind the tree, back facing them.

One of them gasped.

"It's... Us...." said a calmer voice.

"Wait! Who are you?" said a small, higher voice, at the same time a deep growling voice snarled,

"That's NOT us!!! You're crazy, Vio!!!!"

i began to chuckle.

"Turn around" Someone commanded.

"Haha. Really? You want to look your fate in the face?"

"Yes." Said the calm voice, matter-o-factly.

"You chose to see it, so don't blame me."

i slowly turned, while raising m hands to show them the skin torn off the tips, down to the first knuckle, where there was only bone. I willed more blood to flow from my almost completely black eyes and began grinning like a madman.

"N-no." said the one in green.

I responded with, "You've met with a TERRIBLE fate, Haven't you?"

"THIS IS NOT POSSIBLE!!!! GET OUT OF MY SIGHT, YOU FREAK SHOW!!!!!" the blue clad one yelled.

My eyebrow creased, anger welled in my gut.

i extended my gnarled fingers, and summoned a blaze to appear, dancing across my palm.

"You Shouldn't Have Done That."

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