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Harry's POV 

Dear god, I wondered to myself. How hammered had Niall and I gotten last night?  It was 9am and I could see the light coming in through the blinds that we had forgotten to close. I looked over at Niall, who was half falling off the bed, but somehow fast asleep. 

Surprisingly, we had gotten to bed quite early. Americans start drinking at 10pm and usually go home by 2am the latest. Niall had a brought a bunch of liquor from home with him, so we drank that and then went out to a "frat party," as they like to call them here. It was mostly just an apartment packed to the brim with people. It was smelly and sweaty and the music was shitty and way too loud--but Niall and I were way too plastered to care. 

At some point, cops showed up and told us to leave because of "underaged drinking" and we all ran for the door. But Niall and I ended up getting lost the second we went outside and spent nearly an hour drunkenly trying to use Google Maps to get us home. 

"Fuck mate, we are so doneeee," I remembered Niall saying. 

"Yeah, we are bloody lost in New York City," I said, running down the street and doing a karate kick like I was in some sort of movie scene. 

"No, no," Niall said. "I can kick higher... and better. I'm the Karate kid," he said, doing a half kick and nearly splitting his skinny jeans. 

"Ay, Niall. Keep your pants on. I don't like you like that," I said, doubled over laughing. 

It had been a great night, but now, we were paying the consequences. My head throbbed as I set up and my stomach lurched at just the thought of eating something. I wanted to go back to sleep, but I was used to waking up early every single day over the summer when I worked at the bakery, so I couldn't fall back asleep. I left Niall to rest and headed to the bathroom with my shower shoes and shower caddy. 

My shoes squeaked loudly on the dark green carpet in the hallway. I felt so awkward being naked out in the open. I mean, I had my towel on, but still. My whole torso was exposed. And it wasn't a short walk, either. 

Once I made it down the hallway, I opened the door to the bathroom. I nearly jumped when I realized that someone else was inside. I didn't think anyone else would be up at 9am on a Saturday.

"Ah," I screamed out loud. The person, who was standing at the sink washing their face, looked up at me with a smirk. I was so freaked I nearly ran out of the bathroom and went to my room. 

But then we locked eyes and I started to really take in this guy standing before him. His piercing blue eyes, his tousled brown hair, his chiseled jaw. He was wearing nothing but a pair of black boxers and I couldn't help but notice his muscular legs and broad chest. Oh my god. He's so hot..... I thought. 

"I'm sorry!" I shouted, turning to the door to leave. I was panicking--panicking hard. 

"What? Why?" the man asked with a British accent. 

"Oh my -- you're British?" I asked, spinning around and walking towards him. There was another British guy at NYU? I was suddenly so excited...

The guy laughed, his blue eyes crinkling at the corners. "Yeah, I'm from Donny. The name's Louis," he replied coolly, smoothing back his hair. "Listen, I think you need to relax, mate. I know you're a fresher and all, but you'll get used to the public shower."

I looked down and noticed how tightly I was gripping my towel and how tense my shoulders had become. "Umm.. oh yeah," I said quickly. "I'm from Redditch, by the way. But um... yeah I am a fresher, but ... does that mean you're not?"

"Noooo..." Louis said, laughing. "I'm a junior, mate." His abs tightened as he laughed and I tried not to get hard on the spot. Fuck, Harold, I thought, trying to think of gross things to keep myself from getting a boner. 

"Oh, well. I'm Harry. Nice to meet you," I stuck out a hand, but then realized how awkward it was to do that in the bathroom while we were both nearly naked. "Nevermind," I said, blushing.

"Wow, mate," Louis said, patting me on the back. "You have a lot to learn about New York." He began snickering. 

I just stood there, frozen with Louis' hand on my back. I stared at the intricate series of black tattoos that circled his forearms. With his tight grip on me, I could hardly breathe.

"Maybe you can teach me," I blurted out, without even thinking. I had tried to be flirty, but it ended coming out super creepy. 

Louis raised an eyebrow. "Damn. Fresher is feisty," he said, pulling his hand away. "But I have my hands full with my own shit, mate. I'm sure you'll be find and make lots of fun fresher friends." 

"Wow, harsh," I replied, looking at the floor. 

"Don't take it personal," said Louis, shutting off the sink, and turning to the door. "I'm like this with everyone." 

And even though he was being super nasty and sarcastic, I could tell from his eyes that he was probably in pain. That something -- or someone -- had caused him to be like this. And I wanted to find out what....

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