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Niall And I were sitting in the waiting room of the hospital. The doctors said they had pumped Louis' stomach and he was gonna be fine. We just had to wait a bit until he woke up because he was resting now.

I felt so guilty for what happened. Even though I knew logically it wasn't my fault, I felt a bit responsible for not handling the situation better. Maybe there was something I could have done or said differently... But Niall told me not to think like that. "It is what it is," he kept on saying.

Throughout the afternoon, I couldn't stop thanking Niall for what he did to save Lou. It hurt my heart to think about what would have happened if Niall hadn't been there. I pictured Louis' cold, lifeless body on the ground, covered in vomit, and felt like sobbing uncontrollably.

Stop thinking that way, Styles. He's okay now. He's gonna be okay.

But even though Louis was physically okay now, we all knew that something has to be done about his mental health. The doctors found some cuts on his thigh and serious signs of repeated self induced vomiting. They said he might need to go back to rehab. And I knew Louis would throw a bloody fit before he let that happen, but I wanted what was best for him. I wanted him to get better again.

"You Can go see him now," a nurse said to me a few minutes later. Niall, who had dozed off, was completely startled. "Huh, what?" he mumbled.

The nurse rolled her eyes. "Follow me," she said, walking down the hallway. "Niall, he's up now. We can go see him," I explained. Niall nodded and hopped up to follow the nurse alongside me.

When we opened the door, I felt my stomach sink. Louis looked so small and pale in the hospital bed. The seriousness of his situation suddenly hit me... he could die if he didn't get help.

"Hey, Lou," Niall said quietly, walking over to his bed. I stayed in the back of the room, not wanting to upset him. "How are you feeling?" Niall asked.

Louis' bright blue eyes looked duller than ever and his voice came out raspy when he answered. "I feel better," he said. "Throat hurts a bit. But thanks, Niall. For helping me out. I feel like a god damn fresher sitting here with my stomach pumped. Sorry for the trouble, mate."

"No," Niall said, shaking his head fervently. "You have nothing to apologize for. It's alright. I'm just glad you're okay."

Louis' eyes flicked away from Niall and over to me. I was fidgeting with my pockets, not sure what to do.

"What is he doing here?" Louis asked, frowning.

"Louis, Harry wanted to come and make sure you were okay. He's worried about you," Niall explained. I nodded eagerly.

"If you want him to leave, he will. But he wanted to check in on you. And he has something to tell you," Niall continued, motioning for me to come closer to Louis.

Louis closed his eyes and cleared his throat a bit. "Fine, but make it quick," he said. "I don't have all day."

Surprised that he was going to let me talk, I jogged over to the side of his bed. I didn't expect to get this far with Louis— I thought for sure he would tell me to leave, so I didn't have anything prepared or say. I guess I would just have to wing it...

"Louis, I wanted to start off by apologizing," I said quietly. "Instead of trying to defend myself, I should have been more receptive to your needs first. I should have listened to how you felt and figured out how to help you first. And I'm sorry for not doing that." Niall raised an eyebrow. He definitely thought Louis was the one who owed me an apology — after all, he had split my lip open and cursed at me.

But I didn't care. I loved Louis and my apology was genuine. I should have been aware that he was panicking and addressed that first. Maybe if I had, he wouldn't be in the hospital right now.

Louis nodded in response to my apology, his small head bobbing up and down on the pillow. "And Lou," I continued. "I know you said it's over. And I know you need time and space right now. But I want you to know I'm willing to wait as long as it takes for you. Because I love you and I've never met anyone as passionate and loving and brilliant as you."

Louis opened his eyes a bit and looked up at me. He reached his hand out and put his fingers on my swollen lip. "Did- did I do that?" He asked.

"Yeah. You sure did, mate," Niall answered. I glared at Niall.

"Harry, I'm sorry for punching you. And for what I said," Louis said, choking back tears and removing his hand from my face. "I just — I really need help."

I felt tears welling up in my eyes and nodded. "We will get you help, Lou. You're going to get all the help you need, okay?" I said. "Can I hold your hand?"

Louis nodded. "I'll do you one better," he said. "Come give me a hug, fresher."

I reached over and hugged Louis gently, careful not to put too much pressure on him. His body was warm and muscular, and I melted into the hug, craving every inch of him.

Louis must have noticed Niall lurking in the corner because a few seconds later, he waved him over too. "Group hug, mates," he said, laughing.

Niall walked to the other side of the bed and hugged Louis from the other side, creating a sort of triangle of people. When we pulled away, Louis looked up at me with sad eyes.

"I never meant to hurt you, Harry. I overreacted," he said softly. Then, he whispered something so quietly it was nearly inaudible. "I love you."

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