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Harry's Point of View

"Hey, Lou," I said. We were sitting down under the stars in the park next to our dorm. It was just about half past 9 and it was quiet, with nothing but the fall breeze gently rustling the leaves.

Lou had his arm wrapped around my shoulder as he looked up at the moon, which was full tonight. I kissed him on the head gently.

"Lou, how are you feeling?" I asked hesitantly. Louis looked up at me and lazily responded: "I'm fine. Leg is almost better. Back feels mostly better."

But I shot him a suspicious look that told him that's not what I meant. "How do you really feel?" I asked, stroking his hand.

"Haz," he whined. "Why do I have to tell you my god damn life story before you fuck me? Do you do this with all your dates?"

I smiled at him. "Only the ones I care about."

Louis and I had just finished dinner at an Italian restaurant nearby. I had ordered lasagna and he got chicken Parmesan. We both had two glasses of wine.

The dinner had gone way better than I expected. After our workout yesterday, I felt nervous about being around Louis. There was so much built up sexual tension, so much pent up desire. But the date had been calm and relaxing. Louis looked gorgeous in his black skinny jeans and fitted leather jacket. He had on these cute little high tops too which I found adorable. And his company was wonderful— Louis spent most of the evening telling me about his classes, throwing in his typical sassy commentary and poking fun at his professor. I giggled at his jokes and tried to tell a few of my own— but not without Louis interjecting to add something even sassier.

In terms of my outfit, I had played it safe, going with a light blue button down shirt and some black skinny jeans and boots. It was my go to outfit for semi formal occasions.

But even though I was thoroughly enjoying my time with Louis, I couldn't help but notice how much trouble Louis had eating. He only finished about half the dish, and even that looked painful for him. But I didn't want to bring it up at dinner and spoil the moment.

Now, as we sat in the park, I tried to coax Louis into opening up. I wanted him to know I wasn't accusing him of anything. I just wanted to understand.

"So how do you really feel, Lou?" I asked, looking him in the eye. "I saw you had trouble eating, Love. Should I be worried or are you okay?"

Louis looked back at me with his lips pursed. "I'm... I could be doing better," he answered softly. "I've been keeping it down. But I just haven't been having a lot. And I've been doing a lot of sit-ups in my room. Like hundreds."

I nodded, putting my hand on his shoulder. "Okay. So we can work on that. Thanks for telling me Lou. Is there anything else?"

Louis looked at the ground, tracing circles on my fingers. "I— Harry, you don't want to deal with this," he said. "You don't want this..."

"I do want this," I interjected. I kissed his cheek softly and continued the question before he interrupted again. "Thank you for being so honest with me. Is there something else?"

Louis nodded. "I... cut a bit," he said quietly.

My eyes widened and I tried not to express my pain, but it must have showed because Louis ripped his hand away from mine. "I'm hurting you. I'm fucking hurting you and messing this all up," he shouted, throwing his hands up in the air. "Fuck. I can't do anything right! No wonder Liam got rid of me."

I stopped up and pulled Louis tightly to my chest. "Don't you ever say that," I growled into his ears. It was quite obvious that Liam was his ex, and I was furious that Louis had said something like that. "He was a jerk and you fucking know it and he never deserved you. Whatever he did to you, however he treated you. That was wrong. You do not deserve that."

Louis didn't respond. "Look at me, god damn it!" I said. Louis and I locked eyes and he started to cry, pulling away from me once again.

"Louis, I'll take you home if you want. But I'm not the enemy here. I'm showing you..." I said. "Showing you..." I repeated, scooping him up bridal style. "That you're fucking amazing. That you're worth waiting for. That I'm here to listen to everything. Every god damn thing. No matter how deep or dark. Because god damn it I might fucking be in love with you."

Louis stared at me in disbelief, tears streaming down his face. I sat down on the bench and rocked him back and forth. "Tell me," I cooed. "Tell me what he did to you."

And Louis told me. He told me everything. He told me about Tinder and the rape accusation and the self harm and rehab and everything in between. He told me about the suicide attempt and his meaningless hookups and how he used to starve for days. And I sat there and listened to it all. Tears streaming and stomach churning, I listened to every painful story, every vulnerable moment. And I suddenly began to feel more connected to Louis than ever. He was opening up to me— finally. That, more than anything, showed me that he truly cared.

"Harry," Louis said, sniffling after he finished his story about Liam. I stroked his back and kissed him on the forehead.

"Yes, Love?" I whispered. "Well," he started. "I feel so fucking pathetic— but I also feel a lot better. You're the first person I've told all this to— like ever."

"I'm so glad," I cooed, rubbing his back. "Thank you so much for trusting me and telling me. I can't imagine what you've gone through, Lou. You are so incredibly strong. You're amazing."

Louis nodded and closed his eyes, which had dark circles underneath. He looked exhausted, perhaps drained from sharing so much with me.

"Babe, you really are incredible. You bounced back after all that— even though you've had your struggles and you still struggle, you're doing so much better. And I want to help you feel even better now. I want to show you that Liam was wrong about you. That you're worth a million times more than what he'll ever deserve," I told him, connecting my green eyes with his blue ones.

"Thanks, Harry," he said, cuddling against my chest. "That means so much to me, really."

"Of course," I replied. "But Lou, I'm gonna have to ask you to try and eat more for me though. My sister had anorexia and she got very ill very fast. I just want you to be healthy."

Louis nodded. "I know I have to eat more," he said. "I'll eat what you give me from now on, Haz."

I smiled, excited that he was going to make more of an effort to look out for himself. "And if you ever feel the urge to cut or over exercise or anything, call me. Or come to the room. Or text Niall. We're always here to help."

Louis smiled and buried his head into my lap. I tickled his neck and he giggled a little, climbing further up my chest.

"Harry?" He asked me. He seemed more confident than before. "Are you happy that you figured me out?"

I kissed his cheek. "More than happy," I replied.

Louis kissed me tenderly and then pulled back to look at my face. "Me too," he said. "Me too."

Author's note: ahhhh awwwwwwwsw. I don't even know what happened but they had their date and then this just felt natural. Louis finally did it!!!!

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