Classes Begin

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Louis' Point of View

I woke up to the sound of my alarm blasting Katy Perry music. God only knows who had chosen such a bloody awful song -- it must have been one of my sisters when I was home for summer vacation. I hopped out of bed, reluctantly, and walked down the hall in my boxers and slippers. 

If I was being honest with myself, I was secretly hoping to run into Harry again. He had been so attractive, so eager, so adorable. He had these beautiful green eyes and long legs and a chiseled body. And he was so damn energetic and happy to be here. He kind of reminded me of myself, in a way, three years ago before I started uni and everything fell to shit. 

Half lost in my thoughts, I opened the door to the bathroom, but Harry wasn't there. Instead, there was some red headed kid at the sink. Disappointing. I sighed and walked to the urinal to take a leak. Then, I washed my hands and face in the sink. I turned to go back to my room, but just as I was leaving, Harry and the other brunette boy burst into the bathroom. 

They were running, surely in panic mode because they were going to be late for class or something. I couldn't help but snicker at their inexperience. 

"Hey, Louis," Harry called out, as he sprinted to the shower. Niall followed after him and tossed Harry a bar of soap. I noticed that each boy was wearing one shower shoe. For fuck's sake, I thought. Does it get any more hilarious?

"Louis," Harry called from behind the shower curtain. "I said hey. Or do you not have time to respond?" 

I turn on my heel, trying to hold back laughter at Harry's sassy tone. "I don't but I will. Hello Harry. Hello Harry's roommate." 

"Niall," Niall called from a different shower. 

"Irish?" I asked, halfway out the door. 

"Yup, from Mullingar," he called.

"Nice. See ya," I said, and I left the bathroom. 

For a second, as I returned to my room to change and get my bag packed, I felt normal again. I forgot about how bitter I was, how badly I've been hurt, how I probably haven't seriously spoken to anyone (aside from small talk) in months. I just felt-- better. 

Unfortunately, that good mood quickly faded as I entered the classroom about 15 minutes later. The class was packed with over-confident, cocky singers who thought they deserved Grammy's after doing one mediocre Britney Spears cover. I rolled my eyes and took a seat in the back, prepared to get a shit participation grade once again because I would never be able to get a word in edgewise with these conceited twats always talking over me. 

"Alright class," the professor said. "Introduce yourselves quickly for me. Let's go around the room."

My stomach lurched at the thought of having to speak those two sentences about where I'm from and what my major is and all that shit. Everyone would stare at me and look at me all funny because of my accent, and I wasn't in the mood for attention. 

"Hi, I'm Louis Tomlinson," I said quickly, when it came to be my turn. "I'm from Doncaster, England and I'm a music major. Third year." 

I saw a few people look at me with eyebrows raised, but I put my head down to ignore them. I was so sick of this shit. What were they going to do next, ask me to do balance a ball on my nose?

"Alright, well it looks like everyone's here. But there's 30 of you and only 17 spots. So to narrow it down, I'm giving you all an assignment," the professor said. 

My stomach instantly clenched and my heart started racing. I absolutely needed this class to graduate and it was only offered this semester. I was so fucked if I didn't get in....

"It's a group assignment. You'll have to harmonize and do a duet with a partner. I'll judge everything based on the work you turn in. Pairs will not necessarily be admitted together. If I notice a particular talent in one partner and not the other, I will only take the one."

Now I was actually going to vomit. Suddenly, students began pairing off and choosing their partners. I whirled around looking for someone who also needed a partner, but there wasn't anyone. How the fuck did they all pair up so quickly?

"Hey, uh," I said quietly, tapping some girl on the shoulder. "Do you know anyone who still needs a partner?" The girl shrugged and turned away without saying anything. "Fuck," I whispered to myself. 

"Hey -- I don't have one," a guy said, coming towards me from the back of the classroom. "Oh thank god," I replied. "I'm Louis. I'm a tenor." 

"Zayn. I'm an alto," he said. Fuck, I thought. That's not gonna sound good together. But it was too late. "Email me your pieces by tomorrow night. No groups of three. Must be video taped," the professor said. "You're free to leave." 

I asked for Zayn's number and planned to meet him later that night. Zayn was rather attractive, with soft brown eyes and dark brown hair. He had facial hair and a small build, and seemed like the type of guy who wore skinny jeans and smoked a ton of cigarettes -- kind of like me. Hopefully, this Zayn character would pull it together and help land me a spot in the class. 

As I thought about my duet with Zayn, I began heading to my next class--Music Theory 1330--and could have sworn I caught a glimpse of Harry sitting in the Intro to Music class as I walked down the hallway. 

I smiled. There was something about Harry that made me feel better even when I was in a shit mood. Like when I had ran into him in the bathroom, I had just gotten finished crying my eyes out over some nasty message an old friend had sent me. But I totally forgot about that when I saw Harry. 

Now I felt the same, and my worries about the duet floated behind me. I felt so curious about Harry... He was clearly gay--or at least bi--and he seemed interested. But I just couldn't go there. I couldn't start a relationship--not even a casual one. Not now, at least. Not with the shape I'm in......

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