Making Amends

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Zayn's Point of View

I was sitting in the cafeteria eating when I felt someone approach me from behind. At first I thought it was my girlfriend, Alexa, because she often tries to sneak up on me and surprise me. But Alexa was in class right now and the hand felt too rough and masculine to be hers. 

As I turned around to see who it was, I locked eyes with Louis, and instantly jumped backward in my seat, almost spilling my soda all over myself. "Louis--" I choked out, completely surprised. 

"Hey," he said, snickering a bit at my ridiculous reaction. 

"What do you want?" I asked shortly, returning my attention to my food. Louis took a seat next to me at the table -- without asking -- and put a hand on my shoulder. 

"Listen, Zayn. I know we've had our differences," he said, taking a french fry off my plate and popping it into his mouth. "And I truly apologize for texting you the other weekend out of the blue -- after I had said that I wasn't interested in you. That was messed up and I'm sorry, mate. I was drunk, but there's no excuse." 

His soft voice seemed to vibrate in and out of my ears and I held the table to steady myself as I looked into his bright blue eyes. "Yeah, it was pretty rude," I said quietly. "But it's alright. We can just move past that. I should get going now..." 

I got up to leave, but Louis barred my path with his muscular arm. Damn, he was strong. "You lift?" I asked, smirking. Louis nodded. "I do actually," he said, flashing me a toothy grin and flexing his bicep. 

"But, listen. Don't leave. I have a proposal," he said excitedly. "So, the final project is coming up for our class. And we have to do groups of four..."

"I already know where you're going with this, Lou. But no. I can't work with you again," I said, frowning at him as intensely as I could. I guess my face appeared less intimidating than I thought it did, though, because Louis immediately burst out laughing. 

"Don't make that pouty face at me, Zaynie.  I wasn't done yet," he said with a giggle. His bright eyes were gleaming and a wisp of his tousled hair began to fall out of place. 

"Alex and Greg asked me to be in their group. We need one more person," Louis said, inching closer to me. "And you know our voices sound good together.... and the other guys have much lower voices, so they would complement us...."

I raised an eyebrow. It did sound like a good plan. And to be quite honest, I hadn't even started looking around for a group. I knew very few people in the class and had a bad feeling that many people had already partnered up.

"Okay," I said interjecting. I grabbed a couple of stray fries and ate them quickly before grabbing my tray to throw out. Louis followed after me as I walked to the garbage, probably prepared to push me again if I tried to leave. Damn, he was feisty. 

"Okay? Really?" Louis said excitedly, tossing his arms around me. A few seconds later, he removed them, his face flushing red. "Oh, Zayn, I'm sorry. I forgot about your... situation. But trust me, we will only ever rehearse with Alex and Greg. So nothing will ever get intimate..." 

"Alright," I said, talking over him as he said the word intimate. The last thing I wanted someone in the cafeteria to overhear was how I had gotten intimate with Louis Tomlinson... the most beautiful fucking angel I've ever seen... I sighed internally at my conflicted mind. 

"It sounds good, Lou. Really," I replied, walking back to the table to grab my backpack. "And it's okay to hug me. I'm not obsessed with you or something. Just attracted, but I know you have Harry and I won't do anything to jeopardize that. I'm dating someone as well."

I tried to appear indifferent, but deep down, it hurt a little to say Harry's name. I had seen the two together around campus a few times. Harry was gorgeous, with his brown curls, big green eyes and sexy long legs. And he looked at Louis like he had just won the fucking lotto. They were happy together, and adorable. I suppose Louis was better off....

"Well I appreciate that," Louis said, giving me a soft pat on the back. "What do you say we try and be friends, yeah?" he asked. 

I rolled my eyes at him, fixing my hair in the reflection of the window. "Maybe acquaintances," I said coolly. "I don't associate much with the pricks from Donny." 

"Oh fuck off," Louis said, grabbing my backpack off my back and causing me to nearly fall as I tried to walk away. "Doncaster is for the elites. Maybe one day you'll learn." 

And with that, he walked away.

All I could think was, damn, his bum looked fantastic in those jeans. 

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