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Harry's Point of View

I woke up the next morning with Louis on my chest... and oh my god I wanted to cry tears of joy right then and there. The past week has been a complete whirlwind— from asking Louis out on a date to going to the gym to going on the real date to the aftermath of the real date....

Louis was more complex than I could have ever imagined. Everything about him, both mental and physical, made me crave him even more. His perfectly tousled hair. His big blue eyes. His sassy attitude. And his resilience— his strength — his vulnerability. The Louis I had met just a few weeks ago would never have told me a single thing about his family let alone his traumatic past. I was so damn proud of him for finally letting go and trusting me with his personal life — and with his heart.

Speaking of hearts.... I wasn't about to drop the L word just yet, but I was so there. Louis was absolutely everything I wanted... everything I needed. Some people might try to run from Louis because of his baggage, but I loved him more for it. And I was willing to do whatever it took to keep him in a healthy mindset. I had to protect him—not just from Liam, but from himself. I didn't want to see another scratch on that perfect skin of his ever again...

"Harry," Louis croaked, interrupting my thoughts. I could tell by his puffy, half closed eyes that he had just woken up. "Are you having an internal monologue?"

I laughed and rolled my eyes, snuggling into Louis so I could be the big spoon. "Fuck off, Tommo," I said. "You ain't no mind reader."

Louis rolled over to face me, his bare legs rubbing against mine. "Ain't? Wow. Mr. Wild West over here," he snickered. "But I don't know, you just had this look in your eyes, like you were off in LaLa land or something."

I giggled and ran my hands through my hair, which was definitely very messed up from last night. "I was," I replied quietly. "I was thinking about us."

Louis smiled and kissed my cheek sweetly, finally simmering his sassy temper down a bit. "I'm happy too. That this whole date thing worked out," he replied as he traced circles on my shoulder. "And sorry about not eating much. Like I told you last night, I have to work harder."

I grabbed his waist and looked deeply in the eyes. "Shhh, don't apologize. You're doing great," I cooed. "Louis, you know you don't need to diet, right?"

Louis smirked. "Of course I don't. I'm sexier than a super model," he said. He rolled his eyes and wiggled his hips under the covers, pretending to be some sort of sex symbol. Although, in my book, he already was one....

"But yeah, I mean. It's less about looks and more about the concept of 'deserving food.' I feel guilty eating some days— like when I get a bad grade or don't work out hard enough. It's stupid. I know. I also hate gaining weight..." He paused and patted his stomach. "150 is a good number for me. It's healthy, but I'm still lean. Don't like to veer too far from it."

I nodded, a bit interested in his way of thinking. Gemma had a very different mindset— she feared weight gain and food in general. She thought it would make her fat and that starving was the only answer. But Louis seemed to use food as reward and punishment, allowing himself to eat when he 'deserved it' and denying himself food when he didn't.

"Love, you don't have to earn your food. You always deserve to eat," I said, rising up to grab my phone. "Speaking of eating, let's order some fucking pancakes. I'm starving."

I looked over at Louis, who was now hugging a pillow and going back to sleep. "You can't avoid breakfast, Tommo. Have half a pancake. I'm just asking you to try, that's all."

Louis got up and jumped towards me with wide eyes. He put his hands on my shoulders and started making zombie noises.

"Must. Kill. Harold," he groaned in a creepy voice. "Cuteness overload. Get. Me. Extra. Syrup."

I tackled Louis and threw him back onto the bed. "I fucking Love you," I said.

Did I just say that???...... FUCK.
Authors note: as I proofed this I was like it's the morning after— where is nialler wut. But then I remembered they're in Louis' room and he doesn't have a roommate. So sorry if I confused you too. Also— ahhhh feels. They're so cute. This relationship is so good. I love how gentle and caring Harry is with Louis— but I'm also not trying to make Louis - full on needy baby, like he still has his sass and strength — he just fucked Harry for God's sake. It's an interesting balance between ferocity and vulnerability as he breaks down his walls....

But yeah things are going so well.....I just have to add some drama and conflict now. There will be a character reappearance pretty soon and who knows what that will bring. Who will it be — Liam? Zayn? Both?

gotta find out!!!

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