Drinks with the Boys

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Harry's Point of View

"Come on Niall, you know how to use a cocktail shaker," I said, giggling as Niall nearly dropped the bottle and splattered our drinks all over the floor. I had asked Louis if he wanted to come over a bit earlier at 9:30 instead of 10, since we had just finished dinner together. But he said he wanted to shower and do a few things before coming.

Now, Niall and I were busy turning our desks into a makeshift bar, trying to come up with new cocktail concoctions to try out. Niall was currently working on something called an Irish Iced Tea --instead of a Long Island Iced Tea. It was basically the same thing, but it used a lot more liquor. Currently, the creative process wasn't going so well.

"Oh my god, Niall. Give me that," I said, grabbing the shaker as he nearly dropped it for the third time. "This is how you do it!"

I started to shake the bottle, dancing a little as I did. "Shake shake shake shake shake it!!!" I half sang, half laughed. Niall started dancing crazily next to me, shaking his arms in all directions and jumping up and down, completely off beat.

"How much have you had to drink?" I asked, raising an eyebrow at him.

"Nothing, mate. I'm just naturally happy today. I got an A on my econ quiz," he said, shuffling towards me as he continued the awkward dance moves.

"Congrats, lad," I said, smiling. "Let's turn on some real music, shall we?"

Niall nodded and put on some pop rock music that he liked to listen to. "How's that?" he asked, adjusting his speakers. "Perfect," I replied, glancing at the time on my phone. It was 10:20 now. Where was Louis?

"Don't worry mate," said Niall, sensing my anxiety. "He'll probably be here soon. If not, we can always knock on his door."

I nodded and grabbed a cup to try out the finished product of Niall's creation. "Holy shit, Ni," I cried out, holding back the urge to spit it out all over the floor. "This is too fucking strong, mate."

Niall giggled and took a sip from my cup. "Ay!" he shouted. "That'll put some hair on your chest, Haz." We both laughed and wrinkled our noses as we finished off the horrid drink.

Just as we were whipping up another, we heard a knock on the door. "Come in," I said, a little too cheerfully. Damn, get it together Haz, I thought to myself. It was just a friendly hangout... or was it?

I opened the door to find Louis wearing red skinny jeans and a black T-shirt with a grey pocket. His hair was tousled a little more than usual, falling softly above his blue eyes. He wasn't using his crutches since he only had to walk down the hall, but I could tell by the way he gripped the door frame that he was in a lot of pain. 

"Hey, Harry. Hey, Niall," Louis said, hopping towards me on one foot and handing me a bottle of tequila. 

"Damn, someone's in the mood for a wild night," Niall said, giggling and taking the bottle from me. "Thanks Louis!"

"Yeah, thanks Louis," I said, smiling at him. "You didn't have to bring anything. I told you we have plenty." 

Louis laughed as he looked around the room, taking in the way we had decorated it. On my side, there were mostly posters of musicians and football players (soccer). Niall didn't have any posters, but he had put a few framed photos of his family and friends on his desk. I was wondering what Louis thought of our room. 

"And trust your taste in liquor?" Louis said, returning his attention to me. He cocked an eyebrow at me and I felt my cheeks flush red. "Not a chance. Nice place you've got here. It's pretty big." 

"Yeah," Niall said. He opened the tequila bottle and began to take out some shot glasses. "We lucked out. It's the biggest double in the whole building, apparently." 

I nodded, but couldn't help but feel awkward with Louis in my room. I really wanted to impress him, but I felt like he was just going to find everything stupid, from my drink taste to my room decor. 

"Well, come sit, Lou," I said, pulling up a chair next to him. "I can't have you hopping around like Peter Rabbit." 

"I'm fine," Louis said quickly. "But I'll sit if it'll make you feel better." He flashed me a smile and began to sit in the chair. 

I watched him lower himself carefully in the seat, and could see him wince a little. All I wanted to do was scoop him up in my arms and hug him and make his pain go away. But I couldn't do that. Not just because Niall's in the room, but because Louis would probably kick me in the face with his bad leg before he let me cuddle him. 

"Who wants a shot?!" Niall yelled, grabbing three shotglasses filled to the brim with tequila. 

"Oh my god, Ni," I said as I took my glass. "This is a double shot glass! That's so much."

"Is it?" Louis asked. He smiled at me with those bright blue eyes and for a moment it felt like no one else was in the room. Without breaking eye contact, I moved my face closer to his and looked at his lips. 

"Cheers  to-- to Louis feeling better!" Niall shouted, completely interrupting the moment. 

"Cheers!" Louis said with a smile. He tilted his head back and downed the shot in one go. Niall on the other hand, drank about half the shot and then started coughing. 

"Oh god, mate," he wheezed. "This shit is strong." 

I laughed, downing my own shot. Despite the tickling in the back of my throat, I shoved the whole thing down. Immediately, I began coughing like Niall. "Fuck," I laughed. 

"Freshers," Louis said, rolling his eyes. 

I grabbed a water bottle from my backpack and began to chug in a desperate attempt to ease the stinging pain in my throat. "Give me that mate," Niall whined. He took it from my hands, shooting the water into his mouth waterfall style. 

Louis looked at us in amusement, a smirk forming across his face. "Wow," he said. "It's gonna be a long night with you two drinking like this." 

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