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  Harry's Point of View  

"Are you sure you're ready to do this?" Louis asked nervously, tugging at the sleeves of my shirt. We were standing outside of the café where Liam had requested to meet at, waiting in a small corridor next the entrance. We only had a few minutes left to ourselves. It was 2:56 and time was ticking.

Without looking at Louis, I nodded in response. My face was twisted into a fierce, serious frown and I stood upright, clenching my hands into fists. "I'm ready as I'll ever fucking be," I said in a low tone.

"You know you don't have to do this, Hazza," Louis told me for what felt like the thousandth time, stroking the back of my neck with his soft, small hands. 

I shook my head, and pulled Louis towards me, kissing him tenderly. "I know, but I have to," I said as I released him from my grip. "I'm doing this for you, love. I need to."

"Alright, well good luck, babe. Thank you so much," Louis said, extending his hand to pat me on the shoulder. Then, he took a step backwards, and I felt his eyes follow me as I walked past him and towards the center of the cafeteria where Liam was seated. 

Liam should absolutely never be within a 10 mile radius of Louis after what he had done to him. But me? I could fucking handle myself. And I was going to end this atrocity once and for all. Harry Styles style... No pun intended. 

Okay, maybe a little. 

On a more serious note, I quickly spotted Liam approaching from an entrance on the opposite side of the cafe. He was wearing a tight fitting v-neck Tshirt, dark blue skinny jeans, and black vans. A shiny wrist watch sparkled on his arm and his hair was slicked back in a perfect quaff. 

I felt my green eyes start to turn an ugly shade of red as I watched him saunter confidently across the room. He had certainly been trying to impress Louis by wearing his best attire -- during the other two times I had seen him, he was lazily dressed in sweats and sneakers. All I wanted to do was grab him by the collar of his fucking powder blue V-neck and smash his head into one of the windows. 

But I wasn't going to that. Because the Styles way isn't one of violence. I'm always civil -- well at least almost always. The crotch shot in the library wasn't something I had planned on doing...

As I stood on the opposite side of the cafe, I watched Liam from a far, pretending to get in line for coffee so he wouldn't spot me. He picked a table in the very back of the cafe, almost entirely secluded from everyone else. Of course he would, I thought. He wants to fucking corner him and destroy him. 

I grimaced and began to wonder if I could really go through with is -- if I could really control my anger, my raging, burning anger towards this pathetic prick of a human who had hurt Louis. I shook my head, hoping it might help clear it, and then walked slowly over to the table, tugging my hood over my head to mask my long curls. 

Liam, however, wasn't paying attention. I was standing directly in front of him, but he was consumed with something on his phone, ignoring his surroundings entirely. 

"Ahem," I cleared my throat loudly. Liam's eyes shot upwards towards me and he jumped backwards in his chair, nearly toppling the table over. 

"Harry," he said in a surprised tone. He blinked a few times and looked up at me -- almost as if to make sure I was real. 

"Liam," I said, coldly, grabbing the chair across from him and taking a seat. The chair screeched across the linoleum floor and I thought of Louis screaming in pain every night. Harry, I told myself, smoothing my hands against my jeans. Keep it together. 

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