First Day of Uni

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Harry's POV

"How was your first day?" Niall asked as I walked into the dorm. I took off my shoes and tossed my backpack onto the floor before hopping into bed with my laptop.

"Not bad. How was yours?" I asked Niall. Niall was also a music major like me, but he was doubling in economics too so he was only taking two music classes this semester. We were in Intro to Music together at 9am, but after that our schedules became totally different. I took a specialized chorus class at 10am and an acoustic class at 1pm, with a break in the middle to eat lunch and things.
Niall had economics classes until 12 and then he was done for the day.

"It was okay mate. My Econ classes seem a bit harder. They don't solve the problems they same way I learned to in college," he said. I could see a bit of disappointment spread across his face, as he was frowning a bit and his eyes weren't as bright as they usually are.
"Don't worry, mate. You'll get the hang of it," I said, opening the student portal to start one of my assignments.

"My classes seem kinda hard too. I'm not used to singing in a chorus so that's gonna be weird. What did you think of intro to music?" I asked him.

"I don't know. It seemed boring. The Professor kind of drones on and on, so you just know it's gonna be a snooze fest." I laughed at Niall's comment. He was right. The professor was an older woman in her sixties who spoke in a monotone and hardly had any personality. Apparently, she used to be a Broadway singer back in the day, but I couldn't see it at all. As far as I was concerned, she would make a better librarian than she would a music teacher.

"Yeah, she is not fun. We can always shoot spitballs at each other," I said, snickering. Niall cracked a smile, his mood lightening.

"Well, I'm gonna work on some homework," I said, tuning my guitar. "Cool, I'm hitting the library to work on a problem set with some classmates," said Niall, grabbing his bag. "Want me to get you a coffee or snack or something?"

Niall was such a sweetheart. I couldn't have asked for a better roommate. In addition to being super easy going, he was also caring and selfless. "Nah, that's okay, Ni," I replied. "Thanks so much though."

"No problem mate," he said, putting on his sneakers.

"Hey, Niall," I said quickly. There was something I really wanted to ask him before he left. "What did you think of Louis?"

"Louis?" Niall wrinkled his nose. "Ohhh.... the shower dude," he said remembering.

"Yeah," I said laughing. That's exactly what he was...

"Dunno," said Niall. "I only met him for like two seconds."

He had a point. But I was sort of asking if he found him attractive.

I definitely took Niall as straight, though he hadn't explicitly told me about his sexuality. He  probably knew I was gay based on the comments I made about some of the football players that appeared when we played Madden the other day.

"Yeah," I said, turning my attention back to Niall. "That's true. I just found him really cute.... to be honest...."

Niall laughed. "Of course, mate. I mean he's an attractive guy. But I'm only into girls so I wouldn't know," he said.

There it was. Of course he was. "I know, mate," I said, a bit embarrassed by what I had just shared. "But... for me... would we be like cute together..."

Why the fuck did I say that? Oh my god. I hardly knew the guy— now I was thinking of dating him. And I was telling Niall?!! Fuck Harold. Fuck.

Niall smiled as he grabbed the door handle to leave. "Why wouldn't you?" He said with a smirk. "Yeah you'd be cute. Got a crush already, I see..."

I blushed. "Okay, Ni. Have fun studying!! Bye," I said, pretending to push him out the door.

He laughed and lifted his foot, nearly kicking me in the crotch. "Oh fuck off, mate," I said, laughing. "You are most definitely not the Karate kid."

"I most definitely am," he replies, and with that he left the dorm and walked down the hall.

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