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Oh dear god, I'm nervous, I thought as I walked into the library. I had a midterm exam in two days and I was about to attend a study group with one of my TAs to go over the material.

I scanned my ID at the desk and walked past the entrance to a conference room in the back of the library. Everywhere I looked people were frantically studying, typing up papers and occasionally, browsing through Facebook.

The knot in my stomach got tighter as I walked into the tutoring room, which was a large glass room with a round table, and realized that there was only one other student inside aside from the TA.

I carefully opened the door and took a seat next to the other student. "Hi, I'm Cassie," she said. "Harry," I replied quietly. I had been hoping there would be a large group today so I could sort of blend into the back, but it looked like I would be getting plenty of attention today.

"Hello, I'm Kelly, your TA," the other girl said, standing up to write some music notes on the board. "This should only be about an hour. Let me know what specific questions you have for the exam and we can work through them."

I nodded, leafing through my notebook to find questions. "Can we go over complex music theory?" I asked. Kelly nodded and took out the textbook to look over the chapter.

The lesson went well. Kelly was a good teacher and I felt like I understood the material a lot more when she explained it than when the professor did. But halfway through the session— at about 11:30 — another guy walked into the tutoring session.

"Oh, thank god," Kelly said, grabbing her books. "Sorry - I have a meeting now, so Liam is gonna take over. He's a TA for a different group. Same class."

Liam stood up and walked over to the board. I looked him up and down. He had brown hair and soft brown eyes, with a large build and strong shoulders.

"Hey guys," he said, clicking open a marker. "So what do you want to cover next?" I almost gasped out loud when I heard his British accent. Oh my god. Another one of us!

"Writing formulas," said Cassie, raising her hand shyly.

Liam laughed, his eyes crinkling a bit at the edges. "No need to raise your hand. There's only three of us here. What's your name?"

She told him, and then Liam asked for my name. "Harry," I said. He smiled at me. "Well hello, Harry. Are you both freshers?" We nodded.

"Where are you from?" I asked, almost in awe. "Wolverhampton," he said. "You?"

"Redditch," I replied. "I have a friend who goes to Uni near Wolverhampton."

"Small world," Liam said, laughing. I laughed back. "Suppose so," I replied.

Liam continued on with the lesson, working on the formulas like Cassie had requested. I heard my phone buzzing in my backpack. I ignored it, but it buzzed a second time. And then a few minutes later, it buzzed it again.

"Excuse me a second," I said stepping out.

I walked out of the glass room and answered the phone, walking towards the lobby. "Hey Louis, can I call you back?" I said. "I'm at a review session."

I heard heavy breathing on the other line. "What the fuck... are you doing... with Liam?" Something seemed odd because I could both hear on the phone and within the room.
I quickly whirled around to find Louis in the lobby— holding his phone and screaming into it.

My heart started beating quickly and I pulled my phone away from my ear, running up to Louis, who was throwing a tantrum in the middle of the lobby.

"What?" I asked, putting my hand on his shoulder. "That's Liam? That's my TA. I signed up for tutoring with my TA Kelly but she had to leave and this other TA took over.... his name was Liam but I didn't know it was that Liam..." I blurted out, trying to explain myself before Louis got even more hysterical.

As I looked up at him, he looked worse than I had ever seen him. His eyes were bloodshot and he was pale as a ghost, shaking a bit in his black skinny jeans. I hugged him. "I'm so sorry. I had no idea," I said rubbing his back.

But Louis didn't want my sympathy. He pushed me away from him, sending me crashing into the plastic entrance gates. "Get the fuck away from me," he spat. "You're fucking disgusting."

I felt my face get hot as a tear streamed down my eye. "Louis. I said I'm sorry. I know you're upset but this is not my fault," I said coolly, trying my hardest to control the situation.

"You saw him in the caf that day with Niall. You fucking knew it was him. You know what he looks like. You planned this..." he choked. People were starting to stare at as, so I got back on my feet and walked over the Louis, gently motioning for him to walk towards the doors with me.

"Louis, I saw him for two seconds. How would I remember his face? I'm sorry, okay," I repeated. "I'll go get my stuff and leave now. Seriously, I want nothing to do with him."

Louis looked at me with tears in his icy blue eyes eyes, his shoulders tensed and hands balled up in fists. He leaned towards me, coming inches away from my face. "You said that you loved me and you do this?" He growled. "Get the fuck out of here, Styles. You're just like him. We're over."

And with one swift motion, he lunged forward and punched me in the face.

As soon as his fist connected with my face, I crumbled to the ground, feeling the pain spread across my face. I gripped my mouth, which was now gushing blood on the tile floor, and stared up at Louis.

Louis was standing over me, breathing heavily and glaring at me. He gave me one last look and then stormed off, shaking the hand he had punched me with.

Suddenly, as I watched Louis leave, I felt a hand helping me up. I figured it was some bystander who had seen the whole thing go down. But when I turned around, I saw who it really was.

It was Liam. "Are you Okay?" He asked, frowning at me with a pouty lip. "We saw it happen through the glass room."

I stared at him, completely disgusted. "Well get up now," Liam insisted. "I heard that guy is a real animal. I wouldn't worry about him."

I grabbed his hand and allowed him to help me up. Then I kneed him in the crotch as hard as I could. Liam fell to the ground, writhing in pain. "Fuck off, prick," I growled. "I know what you did to Louis. You're fucking pathetic." And with that, I strutted through the library and grabbed my books from the tutoring room.

Then I left, running as fast as I could before the public safety officers could come for me.

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