The Morning After

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Louis' Point of View

I woke up to my whole body aching. My was pounding, my knees and arms burned, and my stomach felt like I had been stabbed in the gut fifty times.

I groaned and rolled over, taking in my surroundings. The last thing I remember after leaving the café was running and running until I fell. Then I called that stinking Uber and somehow dragged myself upstairs.

But I don't remember making it to bed. I looked around the room. There was water and a granola bar on bedside table. I certainly hadn't put that there. Oh my god, I thought, my face flushing red.

It was Harry. Harry had been in here last night, helping me and tucking me in and rubbing my back. And I fucking told him everything— well not everything. But I told him that I cared about him. Bloody fucking hell. Good job Lou.

I tried to get up but I felt splintering pain shoot down my spine. I looked at the clock. It was 8:40am. I had to be at class at 9:00 or I would be cut from the class automatically... even if our audition tape got us through.

I forced myself to get up, wincing in pain as I held onto my bed post for support. Then, I slowly grabbed a fresh pair of pants and tugged them on, leaving the same Tshirt on. I reached for my backpack and tossed it on the bed.

Just as I was packing my bag, my door creaked open a crack. "Lou?" Harry whispered, popping his head in. "How are you feeling?" He stared at me with those big emerald eyes, his wet hair dripping all over his Tshirt.

"I'm fine Harry," I huffed, trying to get my shoes on. I could hardly bend my knees and nearly toppled over.

"Woah, mate," Harry said, rushing in and grabbing my arm to steady me. "Where are you going?"

I locked eyes with Harry, my stomach filling with butterflies as I peered into his wide eyes. They were full of pain and concern, like he had seen something terrible just happen. He definitely knew something was wrong with me— and not just physically.

"Look, Harry," I said, sighing. "Thank you for helping me home yesterday. I really appreciate it. But I'm fine and I have to get to class or else I'll be booted from the class. You have to have perfect attendance the first two weeks."

Harry nodded and looked me up and down. "No problem. Just being a friend," he said quietly, still holding my arm as I got my second shoe on. "But you don't look like you're able to walk that far. Where is it, West campus?"

I nodded. "Well Ni and I are headed there too. We can walk with you and make sure you get there on time. I just wanna make sure you're okay," Harry said, handing me the granola bar by the bedside table.

"No thanks, Harry," I said quickly. "I have a stomachache." Harry shot me suspicious look. "You didn't eat your burger last night either," he said. And he was right. I was a healthy weight still — I had been since rehab. But I had been relapsing since coming back to Uni. No one was there to force me to eat or make me stick to my meal plan. I tried to eat as much as I could, but some days my demons were too strong and it just didn't happen.

I nodded, and in an attempt to get Harry off my back, I took the bar. "I'll have it in class if I feel better," I said, tossing it into my bag.

"Okay, I'll get Niall. Let's start to head out, we've only got 10 minutes," Harry said.

Harry left and returned with Niall. I quickly said hello and we began to head downstairs, using the elevator for my sake.

Once we got outside, I realized how bad shape I was in. As Harry and Niall quickly darted across the sidewalk, I slowly limped behind them, wincing in excruciating pain.

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