Jasper returns

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       An: more angst? Yes. Next Shot will be angst transitioning to fluff. Because I love the song tango Maureen. This is short and sad

     Jasper was lonely. God how lonely he was. He missed David. And David was always with the creepy blond. He wanted David's attention to be on him. Not the psycho that tried to kill him.

      He smiled as an evil plan formed in his mind. David's love and attention will be his.

     Daniel and David had the day off so they hung out in the woods. David's eyes sparkled when Daniel asked him about the types of trees and plants near them. That's the reason he asked David. To hear his voice, to see his excitement to tell someone he loved about something he was passionate about. Daniel loved David and every bit of him too.

     Nothing would make him happier than to see him smile all the time. He walked with him until they mad their way to a beautiful cliff side view. They smiled at each other, and sat down, with their  legs dangling off the side. They held hands and talked while watching the woods around them.

     Everything was perfect for a date. Daniel kissed David and David kissed back. That's how they were for the next thirty minutes, kisses and hugs and love. Daniel heard something on the other side of them. He unsheathed his strange jagged knife thing. They tuned and saw a transparent boy with blonde hair and led light up shoes. David gasped.

      "Jasper...?" Jasper nodded.

    "Davey you've changed so much, you should come with me." David shook his head no.

     "Jasper, I'm not going with you. I have a family now, a son and a boyfriend jasper."
      Jasper looked angry and his voice got louder and more distorted, "I said come with me Davey!"
     David looked scared and Daniel stood closer to him. Jasper then disappeared, and reappeared right inform of David.

   He pushed him of the cliff. Daniel looked in shock and tried to help his lover. But it was no use. David was gone.

   "Now he has to stay with me." That's when Daniel saw the whisky figure of David. David walked up to Daniel.

   "No jasper. I'm staying with Daniel." He handed Daniel a ring. Daniel put it on and David now had to follow Daniel. They smiled at eachother, knowing they had outsmarted the ghostly little boy. Who was now fuming. They walked away. But Daniel still had to break the news to the campers. David fell off a cliff, he called the authority and they found the body.

    That's when David had to disappear, "I'll wait for you Daniel."

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