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            An: sorry I've been in a sad mood so it's angst time. And TW, suicidal thoughts, and also get help if you have any problems.

       David had finally cracked. The kids had been too mean, he had spilled his anti anxiety meds down the drain, his anti depressants ran out, he had a terrible nights sleep due to insomnia and the kids were being especially shitty.

       So David sat in the middle of the night in the middle of the forest under the light of the full moon crying. His thoughts of drowning himself were the most prevailing ones in his mind. He wore nothing but a ratty green tee shirt, and some really short night time bottoms. He sighed through his little whimpers. His anxiety then was forcing him to notice every little detail about what he has down wrong in the last two years of his life. He also remembered his crush in a certain cultist. He shrugged and shivered under the night air.

      So when he felt like he was being watched he was scared, but also accepting of his death if it came. Soon leaves crunched and footsteps walked closer. He looked up from his knees to see Daniel. He wore a white shirt with gray pants. But he could hardly tell because the short man that towered above him was covered in blood splatters and patches of blood. He just looked up as if unimpressed while Daniel stared down at David's tear soaked face in shock.

      "Hey Daniel, long time no see..." David said, as if trying to find room in his mind to care that there was a knife wielding cultist covered in blood towered above him, and probably about to loose his life in these woods. But he didn't find any room to cars, maybe he would get a good sleep for once if he died. Though he shook his head.

      "Yeah it's me Danny can- I, I ask you a question?" David voice was hoarse from crying and a new wave of sadness and tears rolled through his body and mind. More tears fell from David's cheek onto the ground.
     "Can, you please, please k-kill me?" He stuttered out not in fear, but in acceptance.

    Daniel looked appalled. He threw the knife to the ground and kneeled next to the crying man who had just asked him for the ending of his life. He hugged the man and David was crying but shocked.

       "Why won't you kill me?" He asked, almost frustrated, but you couldn't tell through the tears. Daniel held him close and whispered in a different language to him. A Russian lullaby him mom taught him long ago. He sang the song to David and David finally relaxed in his arms.
     "I won't kill you because you don't deserve it. I am covered in blood because someone thought it was a good idea to try to follow me home and be a creep, thinking I was a woman." 

     David just nodded. And he felt the shorter man put him on his lap. He sat with his head curled in the crook of Daniels neck for an hour.

     "Why did you want to die?"

     "I lost my two most important medications, the job is getting so hard, and- and, the kids- they are so horrible! They say mean things and curse and throw things at you and stab you in the hand and try to harm you in every way possible and I can't take it!" Daniel rocked the once again sobbing mess. He sang to him in a different language, Latin this time.

     "And nobody loves me..." David whispered, not thinking Daniel would hear.

   "I love you David." They sat there for the rest of the night.

  Max apologized the next day.

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